Chapter 11

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"Lucas. Where's Athy?"

Lucas smiled the girl
"Oh she's. . . Visiting a friend."
Y/n frowns and tilted her head
"A friend? Athy has another friend? Who are they?" Y/n was reasonably on guard. She had never gotten word of
Athy having another playmate or Athy leaving to see someone.
"Yup!. Say, N/n. Do you wanna go meet someone? Ya know, like a friend?"
Lucas asked with a grin.
Y/n was confused by the wizards words
"What do you mean?" Y/n asked.

Lucas shrugged
"Well, you know those girls you said you met during the exam. Well, don't you want to see them again?"
Lucas asked innocently.
Y/n didn't understand what he was saying, was he trying to get her out of the kingdom or something?
"Umm, I mean that sounded like a nice idea. But, I don't think-"

"Oh come on. His majesty won't mind if he doesn't know. Right~"
Lucas said with a mischievous smirk.

Y/n made a face of slight shock and confusion. Then one of ponder.
"I guess what he doesn't know won't hurt him. . . Yeah. Let's do it!"


Y/n shouted as she clung onto Lucas as the two flew in the air.

To think Lucas was just going to teleport Y/n to her old friends from the exam. Nope, he's flying her there!
Lucas laughed as Y/n started to pray

Y/n can be crazy herself, but when things get to crazy she starts praying.
It was actually kinda funny

"Please tell me we're there yet"
Y/n pleaded.
"Ok, ok. stop crying,we're already on the ground now" Lucas said with a board look on his face.

". . . Oh" Y/n said, realizing that they have been on the ground for awhile while she was praying.
She cleared her throat and distanced herself away from Lucas
"S-so. This is Kisstarea?"
Y/n said, looking up the big stairs that leads to the closed off village of Kisstarea.

Where the Namari sisters live.

Y/n thought that the two were going to be sadistic and horribly mean the first time she met them. Apparently they are only like that when they are not interested in whoever they meet.
Thankfully Dani and Y/n were interesting for the two girls to live until the end.

The two walk up the stairs and are met with two buff guards.
Y/n sweat dropped when Lucas went up to the two guards without hesitation.
Y/n just stood from where she was as Lucas spoke with the guards.

Y/n stared up at the two pillers. Ancient words ingraved in the dark gray stone. Vines and flowers covering some of the words.

Y/n snapped out of her train of thought when Lucas called out for her.
Lucas settled it with the the guards and they were allowed to go in.

Y/n was struck by amazement when she entered the villige.

It was so lively!
There were different types of birds flying around with colorful wings, and people with clothing just as colorful.
It was like a town full of rainbows.

A few birds flew past the two.
Suddenly the two birds turned into kids. The kids ran to their mother while laughing. Their mother hugged them tightly with a warm smile.

"Alright. This is as far as I'll go take you. Peace out!" And with that Lucas teleported his ass out if there
"What!? Wait jackass get back here!!"


Bruno come back home, just to see how corrupt kingdom.
No wonder his mother left.

"Hello brother~ how was your search for our little n/n" a very annoying taunting voice spoke from behind.
Bruno sighed and turned around him to see Alita, leaning against one of the pillars.

". . . Lita. Good to see you, heard you delt with the people in Ringpong."

runo said, staying in place while keeping eye contact with his younger sister.

"Hm, yes they were not as fun as I thought they would be. But I did spot someone from the Nikille clan. And oh were they fun to play with. Sadly they got away, but I'll find them"
Alita pushed herself off the pillar and walked twords Bruno
"But you didn't answer my question. I can see that you haven't found her but it seems like your holding something back" said Alita, looking at Bruno with suspicion

Bruno scoffed
"I have nothing to hide."

Alita hummed and took a step back from Bruno.
"You have to find her fast."
Before Alita could finish more of what she was trying to say, Bruno cut her off
"What, so you can kill her?"

Alita frowns deeply
"I would never kill her."

"Yet you put her in an insane amount of experiments that caused her pain to the point she ran away from you"
Bruno snapped back.

Alita was not feeling playful anymore
"At least I stuck with her through it all.
Where were you? Oh right, you were too busy looking for that weak mother of ours. You abandoned her here. . . Heh, like mother like son I guess."
Alita had a satisfied grin as she saw the look Bruno made.

One of realization. Yet he was denying everything Alita said. But deep down. He knew she was right. In a way he was also the reason why Y/n ran away


" *GASP* Zena! Look its Y/n!"
A girl with pink hair said as she tugged on her older sisters sleeve

"Yes, I see that, Kira. Please stop pulling on me your ruining my shirt"
Zena sighed out. Her little sister just giggled and ran twords Y/n who was asking the Villigars for the Namari siblings.

Just to have one of them tackle her to the ground.

"Y/n! I can't believe your actually here!!" Kira said while giggling.
Y/n groans
"Yeah. . . Good to see ya too Kira. Hey I can't breath!" Y/n whined.

"Oh! Sorry, hehe"
Kira got off. Letting Y/n get up,
Zena came over and greeted Y/n.

The three got to catch up and had a few laughs.

"Hey, Y/n"
Zena started off
"Yeah?" Y/n looked to the taller girl
"Wanna get high?"

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