Chapter 12

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"High? Is that like, a game or something?"
Y/n asked innocently,

The two other girls look at each other with a knowing look.
The two girls then start leading Y/n to a big building that was far away from the others.

"There's a drug that was newly created. It all over the countries now. They say it can take your mind to a whole new world while still being slightly conscious in this world."
Zena spoke.
"So. . . Like a hallucination? Or something like that?" Y/n asked.
"Yup! But it only last for about a few hours or so. We called this drug getting high! Cause sometimes it feels like wear flying!" Kira said happily.

"Oh, um. I- I don't think I should stay here for that long-"

Y/n cut herself off as the three enter the building. And what she was seeing was looked like a never ending party. One that was crazy and uncivilized. . . She liked it.

"As you can see the drug is already popular. Come, let's talk more about it upstairs." Zena said, looking back at Y/n with a smirk.

Y/n cleared her throat and nods.
She followed thet would Namari siblings upstairs. Where it was slightly more quite and not much people there.

"Alright. So, do you want to try it?"
Zena asked, leaning into the couch she sat on.

Y/n didn't feel right about it.
She mostly saw adults and older teens down stairs using the drug.
Was it even saw for kids as young as them?
"H-have you two tried it already?"

The two girls shook their heads
"Nah, dad says we shouldn't try it yet"
Said Kira
"Then why did you try to make me do it!?" Y/n yelled.

Zena shrugged
"Thought you would want to try it.
Ya know. . . Relive you from some stress" Zena said, sinking into the couch.

Y/n instantly understood what Zena ment.
"Oh. . . " Y/n saw that Zena and Kira just wanted to do something to make her feel better. Even if they won't say it, it is seen by their actions.

"So we gonna do it-"



Athanasia shouted at Lucas.

"I took her to Kisstaria. Her friends are there and she was getting tence.
She needed some comfort that was not from here. Don't worry, I'm gonna get her in 5 minutes" Lucas waved Athanasia off.

Athanasia pouted.
Since Athanasia knows more of Y/n's backstory, she knows that if Y/n goes back to her home this early at age, something happen to Y/n. So Athanasia just planned on having Y/n stay at the kingdom until she was at the right age to be strong enough.

Athanasia just stomped off into her bed room where she sleeps alone on now.
Y/n doesn't sleep with her anymore.
Claiming that Athanasia is old enough to sleep on her own.

Athanasia sat on her bed and thought long and hard about what she is going to do to prevent Alita and Bruno meeting Y/n again.
She does know that Bruno is still looking for her by this time, but he'll get distracted by the war that will go on until Y/n reaches her near 20's.

But things are changing. Like how Y/n got a new arm now when she was supposed to get it from a friend.

And the fact that Claude said in the original book that Y/n had failed the exam but was still alive. And now Y/n had passed the exam and is still alive.

Athanasia was getting frustrated and confused. A lot of things were still kinda fuzzy for her. There were a lot of details Athanasia thinks she missed, and those details will be very important to remember. But for now she just has to wait until Y/n gets back and maybe that will help jog Athy's memory.


Bruno was staring at a wall while playing with his necklace.

"Bruno. Are you alright?"
It was Bruno's uncle.
He was sitting at the table, drinking his mint tea.

Without Takeing his eyes away from the wall and continuing playing with the necklace, Bruno says
"Father is claiming war on the council and the country's they represent."

Bruno's uncle frowns.
"What are you thinking? Please don't do anything to rash"

"I'm just thinking it. I'm not actually going to do it." Bruno said.

His uncle sighed in relief

5 weeks later

Bruno knocked down the door to his uncles office and is seen with about 5 people behind him
"I did it"


"Felix, what's an Orgasm"
Y/n asked Felix.

Claude choked on his tea while Athanasia just stared at Y/n in utter shock.

Felix was just frozen. Trying to process what Y/n just asked him.
"Umm, well- uh you see. . . "

"Oi, why didn't you ask me. You damn lizard" Claude interrupted.
"Huh? Well, I just didn't know if you knew what it was. So I just wanted to ask Felix first" Y/n said innocently.

Athanasia was trying her best to hold in her laugh.
"And plus. You won't even tell me what it is"

"Because your too young to even know what that means" Claude said folding his arms
"Sure" Y/n said that with such sarcasm that it was actually pissing Claude off.

Claude and Y/n started to argue.
Athanasia and Felix watch the two fondly.

After the usual tea time.
Y/n went on with her training with Claude and Athanasia was supposed to just go back to her place and do what she needed to do.
But in the end she was taken back to Ijekiel.

The day went on normally, Y/n got a fair beating from Claude during training and also got mentally tortured by Zaroff during her studies.

"Now tell me, what do you do first in this equation" Zaroff showed Y/n the problem

-2 + 7+ 3x (1x - 4) = 19

"Uhhhhh, -2 + 7?"

"Wrong." Zaroff hit Y/n in the head with her ruler

Hi. So there is a time skip that makes Athanasia 14 and Y/n should be 17 by that time. Do you all want meto  take it slow and see how Y/n and Athanasia grow together?

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