Chapter 18

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Y/n sighed as she snuggled closely to Athanasia. Holding the younger tight.

Y/n was holding Athanasia in a way that still gave Athanasia room to move her hands. Athanasia held the older girls face in her hands.

Athanasia was in a slight daze. She had played earlier and ate a lot of snacks. Feeling a little drowsy and sad at the same time. She couldn't help but want to have a moment with her dear Y/n

Athanasia hasn't been able to have time with Y/n. So she was going to take her time with her gently touches with the other.

Athanasia whispered lyrics of the song of the moon and sun from last time as she moved a few hair strands.

Y/n groans and slowly opens her eyes. Just to meet with those same beautiful blue jeweled eyes.

Y/n smiled warmly. Causing the blonde girls heart to skip a beat.

"Athy~" Y/n pulled Athanasia closer and nuzzled her face at the space in the younger neck. Athanasia giggled, feeling the others cold nose on her warm neck.

Athanasia hugged Y/n and enjoyed the warmth.

They stayed silent. A comfortable silence, one that kept the air around them free to breath in with ease.

". . . Umm, A- Athy?" Y/n then suddenly spoke. Athanasia pulled away slightly but they kept their arms around each other.

Athanasia gave the older a questioning look. Y/n's face a was a little red before she spoke
"Athy. When we grow up. Can we. . . Um"

Athanasia was waiting anxiously for the girl to finish as she was making words she might say in her head

'Does she want to get married when we grow up? Live together in a small cottage and live our lives together until we grow older and die!? Because YES-'

"Can we be like Felix and Mr. Papa?"

"Toxic?" Athanasia suddenly blurted out.

Y/n frowns
"Wha- I don't know what that means. But I want us to be like them! I wanna protect you like Felix protects Mr. Papa
And never want to leave your side!"
Y/n said with pride and a determined expression.

Athanasia's eyes widen as she could hear her heart and feel Y/n's heart beating fast.

'Oh Y/n' Athanasia smiled softly as she nodded

"Yeah. Let's promise. Okay?" Athanasia lifted up her pinky finger
"I, Athanasia, promise to keep Y/n and ONLY Y/n by my side."

Y/n did the same
"And I, Y/n. Promise to protect Athanasia as long as I live." Y/n said the last part with such a gleeful face.
While Athanasia's heart faltered a little by those last words.

If Athanasia plays her cards right. Y/n will live longer then last time. In her head, Athanasia made another vow while the two locked their  Pinky's together

'And I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world. No matter what it takes'

Y/n on her period was chaotic, but calm at the same time.

Foolish Love [Fem!Reader X Athanasia]Where stories live. Discover now