Chapter 17

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The servants were buzzing with the news of the young girl who was going through puberty at the young age of ten.

The maids were the most worried. Knowing how hard it is being a woman, the maides made sure to make Y/n the most comfortable she can be.

As for Claude?

"Stop laying on the floor, get up." Claude said as he (gently) kicked Y/n at the side.

The child grunts as she tried to get up. Claude helped her up her feet and didn't let go of her hand until she was steady.

For a moment he expected her to pick her sword up and continue the training. Just for her to let go of his hand and run to Felix and hug the red heads leg and just sat on the floor.

"I wanna sleep! Mr. Papa I wanna sleep!" She whined.

Claude sighed. He hadn't heard her call him 'Mr. Papa' in a while. He'll never admit it, but it did feel nice when she would want to be babied by him here and there.

Made him feel of use to her in a way.

"Then I guess it nap time" Claude said as he dropped his sword on the ground and walked twords Felix who was caressing Y/n's head to make her feel better.

Claude frowns and snatched Y/n and gave the red head a quick glare before turning around
"Get Athanasia, we are having nap time together."

Claude then walked off with Y/n who was still whining in his arms.

Felix just stood there, shocked at what just happened. And mainly confused. He just shook it off and did as Claude told him to do.

Claude layed I'm his bed with Athanasia on his chest, and Y/n curled up next to him like a cat. He bad one hand holding Athanasia to keep her in place, and the other to pet Y/n's hair.

He stared at his two children. First staring at Athanasia, the girl was bold, well he didn't know if she was bold or plain stupid.

She did have good manners, and she seems to be getting a lot of complements from her teachers. Especially her dance teacher.

He wonders sometimes. If Athanasia didn't come into his life, what would he be doing now?

(A/N: Probably sad and lonely)

His eyes then drifted down to his little trouble maker. He smirked, while looking down at Y/n who just yawned and nuzzled closer to Claude.

His smirk faded.

In all honesty. He's worried. He isn't afraid to say that he sees Y/n as his own daughter, and worries for her as he does for Athanasia.

But no one worries him as much as she.

And no one gives him so much head aches as she does.

She does remind him of someone.
She was strong, bold, childish. And independent. And was also not afraid to be dependent when needed

Claude sighed as he pats both of them
"You two better not grow up fast on me now."


"Jesus Bruno. Calm down I can barely understand a single thing your saying"

A green hair boy said with an exhausted look on his face, due to being woken up by the young prince in the middle of the night.

"Okay, okay. Your sister, you said she left to be a Blue Jay. And you said due to my sisters abilities,she might have left to become a Blue Jay as well. Right?"
Bruno said. The board behind him pulled with pictures and strings that connected with each other.

The other make was slightly worried at his friends crazy look. But went along with whatever this crazy prince was gonna say or do.

"Yeah?" He couldn't help but go along with it, his own sister was brought along into the conversation.

"Jacal, I think our sisters are working together." Bruno said with a serious expression.

Jacal cocked his head to the side.
"Seriously? My Dani, working with your Y/n? " Jacal couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm sorry, but they are complete opposites. There is no way-"

Bruno rolled his and pulled out a picture and shoved it into the green haired boys face.

"Wha-. . . No way." Jacal mumbled to himself as he stared at a picture of his little sister running hand in hand with a h/c girl. The picture looked like it was taken from the bushes. Must have been  during the exams.

"Jacal, we HAVE to go to your homeland! The Exams are over. Right? So your sister has to know where Y/n is." Bruno had a mic of excitement and hope in his eyes.

Jacal thought about it for a moment.
He hasn't been home in a while. And plus, he misses his little sister and the rest of the family.

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