Chapter Sixteen - That one with the evil unicorn

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Chapter 16 – That one with the evil unicorn

We sat down at a restaurant near the area and all ordered our meals. Ashton and Colin had the biggest double bacon cheeseburgers I have ever seen and made a bet who could eat it the fastest. I knew they would regret this later but I didn’t tell them that. Colin won, which didn’t surprise me, I swear he never stopped eating, I hope his metabolism shuts down and he gets really fat.

Ashton finished his burger a while after Colin did (he slowed down when he realized he wasn’t going to win, smart boy). I ate my French fries happily until he tried to steal one from me, as he reached for it I slapped his hand without even thinking twice about it. He dropped the French fry and looked at me.

“I just wanted one,” he gave me his pouty face and I sighed. I gestured for him to take one and he grinned grabbing one and popping it in his mouth.

My brother and friends all watched this little scene. Colin looked like he was thinking what the fuck and my friends all had huge smiles on their faces. I coughed dramatically and they all stopped staring. It went silent for a minute or so, everyone looking at one another. Ashton and Colin just stared at each other as if they were having a silent conversation.

“So what’s next?” I asked everyone.

They all seemed to snap out of whatever the hell was going on and Colin answered. “Party at Summer’s tonight,” he explained.

“It’s only eight,” I said looking at my phone.

“We’ll watch the fireworks and play some more games,” he shrugged. “Everyone good with that?”

We all nodded.

Ashton won me a stuffed giraffe that looked like it was stoned, which we thought was kind of hilarious. We played a couple more games after that and then sat on a bench and watched the fireworks before heading back to my house to get ready.

I wore a pair of dark skinny jeans and a bright blue t-shirt, and then my flip flops. If I got cold I could always just walk across the street and down a little ways to grab a hoodie.

By ten-thirty we were walking towards Summer’s house. I hated her a lot but this was the only chance that I really have to hang around with Ashton without it being weird, or having Colin watch our every move.

It was probably a stupid idea to come to Summer’s house; every time I’m around her it seems like something awful happens or I get really embarrassed. I can see why Summer’s mad at me though, Ashton’s gorgeous and I get to live with him (even though nothing will ever happen between us). I glanced over at Ashton, he wore dark silver jeans and a grey button down and he looked extremely hot that I couldn’t help but lust over him. In one hand he carried a twelve pack of beer so I knew he wasn’t going to be coming home sober tonight.

The party was crazy by the time we got home, no one was really drunk yet but they were getting tipsy I can tell you that much. Ashton and Colin disappeared when we arrived and my friends and I headed out to the back of the house where everyone was swimming and drinking. Summer had even hired a DJ to play which was kind of ridiculous but I guess if you’re rich it’s no big deal.

Sarah spotted Colin and told us she’d meet up with us later so Grace and I were by ourselves. “This sucks,” Grace muttered and I had to agree with her on that.

“I only came to spend time with Ashton,” I admitted. “I don’t even know where he went though.” Both of us looked around trying to spot Ashton, however it was impossible with the amount of people around.

“Good luck with that,” Grace said.

I sighed. “Yeah.”

“I’m gonna go find something to drink,” Grace said. We bid our goodbyes and I watched her walk away disappearing into a heard of people. I sat down in a lawn chair, I was in no party mood now that Ashton had disappeared. He’d probably gone off to make out with some girl or something; the thought of that made my stomach churn. I just don’t understand why he doesn’t like me the way I like him? Why does it have to be so hard?

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