Chapter Five - Why do forbidden love affairs always involve the English teacher?

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Chapter 5 - Why do forbidden love affairs always involve the English teacher?

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Luke knocking on my door, actually it was more like pounding on my door while he screamed “Lex get out of bed or I’m coming in there and it won’t be fun!”

“Give me a second!” I screamed back.

“Hurry up!”

I heard his foot prints disappearing down the hallway and I let out a groan as I rolled out of bed. I headed for the closet glancing at myself in the mirror; I looked like I had just stepped out of Zombieland. I found a pair of shorts in my closet and my panda sweater which my parents had bought me for Christmas last year. I pulled them on and my black Toms before turning my straightener on and fixing my hair up. I headed downstairs where I found my mom, brothers and Ashton all eating. My dad was gone to work already, he leaves at around six in the morning; he’s an early riser like my brothers.

“Hey, Alex!” Ashton greeted, I just glared at him.

“She doesn’t like mornings…” Colin told him and he nodded.

“Shut up!” I muttered.

“Alex!” Mom snapped hitting me in the arm lightly. “You’re brothers in the room!”

“Sorry,” I said sitting down. “I’m sure Colin’s heard much worse; he is a big boy now.”

That earned me another slap only this time it was from Colin who was glaring at me. Luke was sat beside him chuckling.

By the time we had gotten out of the house we had about five minutes to get to school. All three of us piled into Colin’s truck, and unfortunately for me I was squished in the middle between two seventeen year old boys who not to mention take up a lot of freaking room!

Let’s just say the ride was squishy and unpleasant.

“Why can’t you take your own vehicles?” I asked them.

“Because we’re cheap,” Ashton said.

“Bingo!” Colin clicked his tongue together.

“You guys suck!”

“No you do, but not for free!” Ashton said.

“Ashton!” I punched him in the arm.

He burst out laughing.

“Ashton’s you’re number one customer, huh?” Colin asked.

“Colin! Gross!” I punched him too.

They both started laughing and I felt my face heat up. “I hate both of you!” I said.

“Awe, I love you too,” Ashton said. Even though he was kidding it made my heart leap anyway.

I didn’t say anything just stayed silent for the rest of the drive. When we finally pulled up at the school I let out a sigh of relief when Ashton opened the door and climbed out. I was about to climb out too when he shut the door in my face. He waved to me from outside before childishly sticking his tongue out.

I glared at him and opened the door climbing out. “I hate you,” I muttered before walking away.

“I lov–”

“Shut up, Ashton!” I cut him off. Grumpily I made my way into the school, by the end of the day I was pretty sure I was going to rip Ashton’s balls off.

“Alex!” my best friend screamed from across the school grounds. Several people looked at me but I just glared at them, and they quickly turned away.

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