Chapter Eleven - Who invited her anyway?

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Chapter 11 – Who invited her anyway?

I had opened the presents people had bought me even though I told them not to bring any. However, I quite liked presents so it was ok with me, even though that sounded completely selfish.

It was dark out now, and the street lamps and pool lights had come on now. It was starting to get a little colder now but it was still warm enough to wear a bathing suit, however I did put a t-shirt on. I sat down on the pool chairs and recognized Ashton standing off to the side talking to Colin who I had barely seen all night. Sarah was also over there probably trying to strike up a conversation with Colin. I’m pretty sure Ashton figured out what was going on because he left them alone and Colin awkwardly talked to Sarah which made me laugh.

“Are you laughing at me?” Ashton asked faking hurt.

I hadn’t even realized he had shown up. “Nope,” I told him. “I’m watching Sarah and Colin, look at Colin’s face.”

Ashton turned around and chuckled. “Yeah, well, Sarah just showed up and started rambling on about how they haven’t played her favorite song yet, so I left.”

Leave it to Sarah to come up with the worst excuse to talk to Colin. “Oh,” I said. Summer came up to us then shooting daggers at me before smiling at Ashton who gave her a polite nod.

“Hey Ashton,” she said completely ignoring me. “What’re you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” he asked gesturing to me.

“Oh, Alex, I didn’t even see you there,” she explained sweetly, however I wanted to punch her face in. “So what are you doing?” she asked Ashton again.

Ashton gave me a look that read is-she-serious? “Let’s go get something to drink, Alex,” Ashton said. He took a hold of my elbow, and although it wasn’t my hand I felt like this was a good accomplishment, after all I had gotten closer to Ashton then Sarah has ever gotten with Colin.

He dragged me towards the drinks area and as I walked past Summer I flipped her off. She scoffed and started walking towards Colin and Sarah, probably going to annoy them too.

“I hate her!” I said once we reached the drinks table.

Ashton chuckled. “I know,” he replied. “Want anything?” he asked me gesturing to the drinks.

I shook my head. “I’m fine thanks,” I replied.

He nodded grabbing himself something to drink before downing it in one shot. “Jeez, calm down!” I said giggling even though I probably sounded like a retard.

“Just thirsty,” he shrugged. “You wanna dance?” he asked after a moment of silence.

A big juicy grin slipped on my face but I did my best to hide it. I didn’t want to seem too excited to dance with him. “After all you are my dancing buddy,” he winked at me.

I laughed and took a hold of his hand. Let me say it again, Ashton grabbed my freaking hand!! I followed him to wear everyone was dancing and glanced around to make sure my parents weren’t watching, that would be awkward.

Ashton grabbed a hold of either side of my waist and I was very happy that I was actually wearing a t-shirt so he wouldn’t touch my bare skin. The thought of him touching my bare skin made me a little nervous, I don’t know why.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and stepped a little closer to him. For a while we stepped back and forth avoiding each other’s eyes. Me singing along to the song, Need You Now by Lady Antebellum as I looked around at everyone else who was dancing and made eye contact with Sarah who was dancing with Colin. She gave me a look that read ‘holy shit we’re dancing with them’ and I grinned wickedly at her.

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