Chapter Thirteen - What dafuq are you doing?

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Chapter 13 – What dafuq are you doing?

On Friday I woke up with a pounding headache and stomach ache, my mom took my temperature then and told me I had to stay home from school which I was kinda happy about. Not going to school meant not dealing with Mr. Golds and Summer, it was like a win win. I sat in my bed for a few minutes trying to get some more sleep when someone knocked on my door; I opened one eye and saw Ashton step inside, he gave me a half-hearted smile.

“Do you need something?” I asked pulling the covers up to my chin so he couldn’t see my embarrassing pajamas (they had monkey’s holding bananas on them).

“I was just gonna ask how you’re doing,” he shrugged.

“Just a stomach and headache is all,” I told him.

He nodded. “Okay, well hopefully you feel better,” he said before turning around and leaving my room.

He closed the door behind him and I sighed. This will make me sound like a huge girl but I really wish he would offer to stay and comfort me while I’m sick, that would just make life so much better right now.

Frowning I climbed out of bed, I feel like crap but there’s no way I’m going to stay in my bed and do nothing all day. I pulled some sweats on and a t-shirt before heading downstairs. I hadn’t brushed my hair but I figured it would look worse if I did. The boys were all gone to school, and my dad had already left for work, and my mom was just doing the dishes in the kitchen probably heading to the restaurant afterwards.

“I’m surprised you’re out of bed,” Mom glanced over at me as she finished washing the last frying pan.

“I don’t wanna lie in bed all day, that gets boring,” I told her.

“Oh yes,” she agreed. “Well you can lay down on the couch and watch a movie if you’d like. Your dad and I are taking Luke out to a movie tonight and then we’re staying at Grandma and Grandpa’s for the night.”

Mom and Dad always seem to take Luke out to a movie nearly every Friday night, but they hate just going to the movie theatre in our town (probably because it’s crappy and you don’t have all the effects like you do at city movie theatres).

“Okay,” I said.

“I’ll come check in on you after work today before we leave, okay?” she said with sad smile.

I nodded. “Sounds good.”

“Also I think the boys are going out tonight so you might have the whole place to yourself, although that’s no fun when you’re sick,” Mom said and I agreed. I couldn’t do anything while being sick, all I wanted was to lay on the couch eat my mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup and watch every season of Lost again.

Mom drained her water before wiping her hands and heading out of the kitchen. I followed her and laid down on the couch while she gathered her things for work. She kissed my forehead before telling me she loved me and then heading out the door.

As soon as she shut the door an eerie silence fell over the house, when I was younger I used to think this place was haunted. I had overheard my parents talking about a ghost they heard years ago that would open and close doors all night. Apparently a woman was killed in our house by her husband when he repeatedly smashed her head in a door. I’ve never heard it before but I used to have nightmares about it and would wake up screaming. Eventually I told my mom what I had heard them talking about and they said it wasn’t true.

I’m pretty sure they lied to me.

But I just keep telling myself that it’s untrue.

For the next couple of hours I entertained myself by watching Netflix, I had watched a couple episodes of Lost before I switched to Pretty Little Liars and then I watched The Lion King to which made me an emotional wreck.

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