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He only sang until the chorus part. Well, that's not enough for me. Who would like an unfinished concert?
Jimmy hugged him when he was done. Then he took a paper out of his pocket. "I had it written because I do not want to forget a single word I want to tell."

So, what's that for? Storytelling? I saw Al sighed. Wait. Is Jimmy going to sing? And Al trained him? Eh... Am I just imagining things? Everyone is smiling like they know what's about to happen. Did they orchestrate this without me?

"I can still remember the first time I saw her, for it is also my first time being alone. I was in college then. My best friend, who is also my classmate, was facing an unexpected circumstance at that time. I sat on one of the benches in school, reading a book just to let time pass. I guess my eyes got a bit tired of reading, so I paused for a moment. Then, there was a beautiful lady passing in front of me. My gaze is following her; I didn't even realize I was holding my breath. The next day, I sat on the same bench, doing the same thing, until it became a daily routine."

I can remember that, too. He is always alone on that school bench. Maybe that was the time that Al had to leave because of his mother.

"I was focused on reading my notes when a bag dropped in front of me. Most of the contents fell out. Of course, as a gentleman, I need to help the owner, so I picked up her stuff. Guess what? The owner of those things is the beautiful lady who stopped me from breathing. Such a surprise, right? She took her things, smiled, and thanked me. That is the most beautiful smile I've seen. I asked her name and introduced myself as 'Jimmy, an architecture student'. She laughed, maybe because I looked stupid. But she told me her name, and it was Jamie."

I can recall that incident. I was rummaging my bag for my cue cards, and it fell because of my carelessness. That was the first time we looked at each other's eyes... and I almost melted because it was a handsome guy who helped me. And it was funny that he introduced himself that way. Oh, my dear Jimmy.

"Since then, I look forward to seeing her again, even if it's just a glance. I always sit on that bench, reading, letting the time pass by. Until one day, she sat beside me and asked 'Do you always read here?' I said yes. I took a bold move as a stranger: I asked for her number. She gave it without hesitation. I started texting her; I'm glad she's replying. And then, I asked her out on a date. I was preparing myself just in case she says no, but she agreed. I know I jumped out of joy that time."

If he only knew that I always pass in front of him since the day he picked my things for me. He's not aware of it because he's always reading. I was intrigued by his behavior; he always reads like he's never tired of doing it. I wanted to be his friend, so I asked him that question. Little do I know that he already likes me. When he asked for my number, I gave it without having second thoughts. And I was not wrong; he is a polite guy, never says anything nonsensical. He never knew that I already have a crush on him from the moment he introduced himself. And yes, I was extremely happy when he asked me out.

"I asked her out several times, and on one of our dates, I asked her the question 'Will you be my girlfriend?' She didn't respond yet; I thought it meant no. But she held my hand and said 'Yes, Jimmy'. And that was the happiest day in the life of Jimmy, the architecture student." He's blushing, such a cute expression. And I can't stop myself from smiling; it's funny that he's recalling how we met and how we started.

"I was able to survive my life as an architecture student; it was also thanks to Jamie. I did my studies on that bench to pass the time, but it was her who motivated me to work hard, to be a better one. I strove harder than I usually do, doubling or tripling the effort as much as possible. I never knew that when you fall in love, you always wanted to be the best. And I have always wanted to be the best man in Jamie's eyes. Now that I'm a working man, I know I've been very busy that I'm not able to make time for you sometimes. I know I have many shortcomings as a boyfriend. I can understand your disappointments in me, but I'm still working hard to be the best man in your eyes, Jamie." Tears came out of my eyes because I can feel the sincerity in his words. "You showed me a different color in a palette. If that's an appropriate metaphor. Haha... You brought out the best in me, and I will always be thankful that through all these years, you're still with me. I love you, Jamie."

He walked towards me and knelt on one knee as he holds the ring.
"Will you marry me?" Jimmy asked the question of a lifetime.
This is astounding. Both of my hands cover my mouth because I want to stop myself from screaming, and at the same time, I want to get a hold of myself. 

For now, you cannot say whom you love more. But there will come a time that one of them will dominate your affection.
Thank you, Juicy. I finally know the dominant one. 

"Jimmy... yes. I will marry you." Yes, it's him. I have always loved Jimmy. I know I'm making the right choice, and I know I will never regret this decision.
He placed the ring on my finger. We kissed and hugged. This is the warmth I've always known.

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