Chapter 11- Bye Cocoa

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Cora's POV

I had woken up in the bed alone. Where was Keaton? I sat up and looked around. The room was empty. The clock read 9:42. I jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom.

I combed through my hair and brushed my teeth. "Cocoa?" I heard Keaton's voice softly say. I walked back to his room and he was sitting on the bed.

"So I have four surprises for you" he smiled. I sat down beside him and he swung his arm around my shoulder. We weren't an official couple or anything close to that but I felt like a bit more then friends.

"First" he said smiling at me. "Look under the bed." I gave him a funny look then curiosity pulled me to the floor to look.

I grabbed the box filled with holes and pulled it out from under the bed. I opened it and screamed and cried at the same time.

"ECHO!" I grabbed my little yorkie puppy I had forgotten about out of the box and held her close to me. Mom and Dad had gotten her for me for Christmas. "Where has she been?" I asked Keaton but before he could answer I interrupted him.

"Im so sorry I abandoned you, do you forgive me." The puppy wagging her tail fiercely licked my face.

Keaton was beaming and sat down beside me. They found her when they were investigating the scene. A police officer and her daughter have been taking care of her till we thought it was a good time to bring her back into your life." Keaton explained.

"Thank you so much Keats," I said and without thinking I brought my lips to his and kissed him quickly. When we pulled away I looked at the ground shyly.

"I'm sorry" I said embarrassed. "No don't be I liked that," he said making me blush even more. "Your adorable you know that?" He said.

After breakfast Keaton had explained to me that my next surprise was my flight wasn't till 9pm, which gave us more time to spend together.

"I'm taking you out for lunch," Keaton said as I walked through the door from giving my puppy a walk. She hadn't left my side since this morning.

"Wear jeans and I have a top for you to wear on my bed." He smiled. This confused me why did he pick out a top for me? I ran up the stairs, Echo at my feet.

There was the bag Keaton had got from the mall yesterday. I dug my hand it and pulled out a white sweater with bubblegum pink writing. My Best friend Keaty Kat :)

Wow I thought. But I secretly loved it. I threw it on over a cami and went to the bathroom. I curled my hair into soft ringlets that cascaded down my shoulders.

"Wow someone looks beautiful" Keaton exclaimed as I walked down the stairs. He had done his hair nicely and was also wearing a cute sweater.

His was black with lime green writing that said. My Best Friend Cocoa Puff :)

"Aww I'm loving the sweaters" I giggled. "I feel a little bit stupid," I admitted.

We had lunch at the Olive Garden and spent lots of time talking about "us."

Keaton's POV

"I would love to be with you," she said shyly. "I would to but the timing is off." I sighed mentally kicking myself but wanted what was best for her. "But I will be waiting for you once we get the custody changed," I smiled though I wanted to cry.

I reached under the table and grabbed her hand. It was almost natural to have her hand in mine. It was there so much lately.

After we had eaten Drew had come and picked us up. They didn't drive me around much. Trust me. They just care about Cocoa and they have known about my love for her, since forever.

They were so happy for me this morning when I told them about Cora me kissing Cora and everything. They were also pretty bummed out that she had to leave the state.

Mom helped me put together something for Cora, a memory thing, plus the other thing. I was happy about the stuff I have for her

We were at the airport. It had been a pretty depressing ride here. Of course Cocoa was here and me and my Mom as well as Drew and Wes.

We had brought her through security and waved Echo off before with her luggage. I had a little talk with her about keeping Cora safe. It was a joke but I loved that little dog so much.

"Oregon get ready to be let into the aircraft," came a voice over the loud speaker.

I gave Wes a look and he jumped up. "Hey Mom lets go to the car." She sadly agreed and hugged Cora goodbye so did Wes and Drew.

She was already close to tears. "Cocoa" I said softly placing my hand on her chin and turning her to face me. Her face, with a cherry color blush looked so beautiful.

I smiled. "I love you," I said. "I love you too and this time it's not as a friend or a sibling or whatever," it was her turn to cause me to blush.

"Close your eyes," I instructed her. She did and I pulled out the necklace I had gotten from the jewelry store yesterday. It was a K with green emeralds lining it.

She opened her eyes and gasped. "I love it," she said. I then pulled out my set of keys that was always hanging out of my back pocket and showed her a matching key chain that had a C on it with pick stones.

"And here," I gave her a shoebox sized box. "Don't open this one yet wait for you're flight." I smiled weakly.

A sign lit up just by where we were sitting BOARDING. It read in green letters. "Bye" she said weakly.

I got a sudden rush of courage. I leaned down and kissed her. It was unlike any other kiss we had. This time it was with love and passion.

We pulled away and she was blushing. "Bye" I said and kissed her on the head.

Then she walked into the entryway for the airplane.

My heart ached and I broke down and cried a little sitting in the chair.

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