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Hey this is my first story here so enjoy


Cora POV

My entire body was shaking as i watched my father in the corner of the dark room.  "i did it Cocoa" he breathed heavily, him using my nickname wierdly calmed me down.  "What dddid you do?" my 16 year old voice stuttered.  "I killed her, it was an accident, I was laid off at work and i had a couple drinks." he stated with anger and regret driping from his words.  

I was shaking and freezing cold, tears poured down my face.  "Daddy please no" I cried as i noticed the gun he was raiseing with a shaky hand to the side of his head.  "I love you Cocoa" he said as calmly as possible.  BOOOM.....

I dropped to the ground and cried, both my parents with in hours were gone.  My father had accidently killed my mother in a car accident, he was the other car he was the drunk driver.  I ran to the kitchen the next room without the lingering feeling of death.  Alcohole lined the counters, I grabbed one then another till i couldn't see straight.  I ran out the door and down the block till I had to stop, I sat and leaned against the hill behind me.

I pulled out my phone and went directly to favorites and clicked Keats:).  About two rings later my raspy bestfriends voice answered.  "Hey Cocoa, why call so late? Can I call you tomorrow?" he said half asleep. "Please please come pick me up" I cried. "CORA WHAT HAPPENED WHAT WRONG?" he used my full name so he was obviously worried. "I"m just at that hill we hang sometimes by my house" i said and hung up.

I didnt know weither he would come or not, so i closed my eyes.  My head was pounding and i was seeing double.  

I must have been asleep because i woke up to a gentil touch and then i was lifed of the ground.  Being only 5 feet tall and about 92 pounds, I wasnt hard to lift.  I opened my eyes and the whole world was a blur my head pounded even more so i shut them fast.  "It ok just sleep" he said just after kissing my forehead.  

Keatons POV

My brother Wesly pulled up his car beside the park, after Cora had hung up I ran to Wes's room and told him all I knew and he agreed to drive me. 

I saw her lying their, for a moment she looked dead, my heart literally stoped.  Then she took another breath. I jumped out of the car and ran in front of it.  Since the car wasn't compleetly stopped yet Wes slammed on the breaks.  I picked her up into my arms, her sholder blades in one arm and her legs in the other.  She opened her eyes and looked at me, her eyes were filled with emotion but the one thing that stood out the most was fright.  She was frightened.  "Its ok just sleep" I said calmly, she did so and fell limp in my arms.    

I manuvered into the back seat and laid her head on my lap.  She was shaking histarically and so i pulled my sweater off and put it on her.  "Man is she alright?" Wes questioned towards a big bruise lined the top of her forehead.  "Oh, I just noticed that now that were in the light my poor baby" I sighed running my fingers through her hair.  "Can you just take us home please." I said.  

The drive home wasn't long since we only live about 20mins away from Cora's.  I lifted her limp body out of the car and carried her in.  "Where do you plan on putting her?" Wes asked.  "She needs me right now, so I'm gonna take her to my room." I told him.  "Alright mom might be pissed though," he said.  "Nah, not after i explain." i assured him.  

I carried her in the house and my mom was in the living room.  Crying? "Mom whats wrong?" I asked. She didn't reply and ran straight to the little body in my arms.  "Oh sweety it gonna be alright" she said as she kissed her almost daughter.  Cora is pretty much a Stromberg now.

"Wait whats wrong?" I exclaimed.  "Just take her to your room and comfort her she really needs that right now" Mom surprisingly said.  With that i scampered of to my room and laid her under my quilt.  I brushed my teeth and changed.  She was already wearing pj's and she still had my pullover sweater on.  I laid down beside her and kissed her forehead.  

She opened her eyes and said.  "Oh, Keats I'm so sorry im a mess."  I sighed "Its alrighth girly just sleep now I'm here, i will protect you now." i said assuringly laying my hand over her bruise.  I snuggled in next to her and she fell asleep in my arms.  

I never did fall asleep that night their was something bothering me.  What really did happen to her tonight.

Thanks for reading :)


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