Chapter 3-The Dance

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I had gone out to buy a dress later last night, it was bright pink and it went nice with my bright emrald eyes and wavey long blonde hair.  I was just doing touchups on my make up when Shawn texted me telling me he was here.  Wow classy he couldn't  even come to the door?  I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.  He was sitting in his car bobbing his head to music.  I guess i should just jump in. I opened the door and sat down.  "Hey" I said forcing a fake smile on my face.  "Oh, hey man you look great!" He said. 

We drove to the school in a slightly ackward silence.  When we parked he ran over and opened the door for me.  "Thanks" i smiled and we headed in together.  The second we stepped in the door Shawn excused himself to go talk to his friends.  I ackwardly headed over to the food table.  "Hey"  came Keatons sweet voice.  I turned around to see Keaton with Jenny's arms linked in his.  "Hi" i smiled ackwardly.  "I have to go find Shawn" i explained and headed over to where him and his friends were standing.  "Marti you look so pretty"  i exclaimed at my friend who was happily holding hands with her crush and date Tanner.  "Do you want to dance?"  Shawn asked me and he led us over to the dance floor.

We danced for about five songs before Shawn ditched me again.  I was looking around for him to say goodbye, I had enough and i was ready to leave.  I planned on calling a cab or just walking since i was wearing my converses with my dress.  I wasn't much of a girl.  I looked across the dance floor and he caught my eye he was kissing someone.  I walked over to them and i soon realized it was Jenny.  "What the hell?"  i exclaimed.  "What you got boring," Shawn rolled his eyes.  "And your excuse"  i shot my comment at my bestfriends "date."  "He is in the bathroom and i got lonley" she smirked and turned back to my lame excuse for a date.  

I made my way through the crowd of people to find Keaton he would take me home.  I ran past the drink table just as someone was turning around.  I hit them straight on and punch went all over me.  "I am so sorry"  I recognized him as Justin from English.  "Wow Cora you look beautiful, even soaking wet"  he chuckled and motioned for me to grab the napkins in his hand.  "Thanks Justin" i half smiled.  "Do you need a ride home?" He asked.  "I was actually looking for Keats have you seen him?" I looked at him still half smiling.  "Oh is he your date?" He looked slightly sad.  "No my lame excuse for a date is in the corner over their kissing Keatons date."  i rolled my eyes.  i spotted Keaton.  "Well i will see you around"  i said not taking my eyes of Keaton so i didn't lose him.  "Alright and hey I'm sorry about Shawn he is kindof a douche" Justin called after me. 

I met up with Keaton right in front of our dates we turned to eachother and automatically headed for the door.  "Well this sucks"  Keaton sighed.  "Ya can you just take me home?" i asked.  "Sure thing" he said and he swung his arm around my shoulder and led me to the bench in the parking lot.  "Wes should be here in 20" he smiled at me.  "So what happened to you?" he asked obviously wondering about my wet dress.  

I explained everything about tonight and how stupid Shawn was.  Once i finished i realized it was getting quite cold out plus my dress was wet i shivered a bit and within a milisecond Keaton had his coat over my shoulders and had pulled me closer.  "Thanks Keats"  i smiled up at him.  I was quite tiny compared to him.  

Keaton's POV

We were waiting for Wes and i couldn't be happier.  I had Cora beside me and i had my arm protectivly around her and her head was on my shoulder.  Wes pulled up and i tried to stand up but i realized her body was limp agaisnt mine.  She had fallen asleep. So I picked her up and placed her in the back seat with her head on my lap.  

"Dude are you guys alright, whats with your shirt?" Wes asked.  I looked down at my shirt only then realizing it had a soaked pink blob.  "Oh Cocoa ran into someone and their drink spilled on her.  While we were waiting for you she got cold so I was holding her."  I looked him.  "And you couldn't of waited inside?" He asked while turning onto the highway.  "Umm both our dates cheated"  I half wispered, "with eachother"  "Ouch sorry bro"  Wes said sinceraly.  "No its alright i got time with Cocoa" i looked down at the beautiful girl sleeping in my arms.  

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