Chapter 4- The Last Time I Can Say Normal

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Cora's POV

Saturday I woke up at like 5pm and did all my homework it was pretty much a rightoff.  I was exited for Sunday it was a family day i loved spending time with them.  They weren't the bossy kind of parents that I have to watch everything i do and say in front of them.  I woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes.  It was already noon and I decied it was time to get up.

I got up and shower.  I decided to air dry my hair so I pulled it into a pony tail.  I ran downstairs and into the kitchen.  "Gooooodmorning daaaadddy"  I said placing a kiss on his cheek and heading over to the kitchen.  "Morning personal chief"  i winked at my mom and went to grab a plate.  "Morning kid" she smiled at me and motioned for me to get some food.

We ate together and decided on going bowling later after Dad finished watching the game.  So i decided on calling Keaton while i was waiting.  "Hey Cocoa" he laughed through the phone.  "Whats up Keats?"  I asked.  "Not much pretty lame day, Drew and Wes are going on a date and so I'm gonna be alone." he laughed again. "ITS A DOUBLE DATE WITH LADIES" I heard Drew yell. "Oww" Keaton said. "Wes hit me with a pillow" he explained.  "Well if you don't have any plans do you wanna tag along with the fam we are going bowling in 20 mins" i asked hoping for a yes.  "Yea that would be great I'll be at your house just before you leave"  He laughed and we said goodbye and hung up. 

I was just about ready looking for a sweater just in case i got cold that would go with my outfit not that i have much style but it still had to work.  "We are leaving now!" my mom called.  "K hang on Keatons not here yet" I yelled waiting for a reply.  "Yes he is"  came the familiar voice of Keaton himself.  I scurried down the stairs and to the door and into my bestfriends waiting hug.  "Lets roll"  My dad smiled.  "Dad don't try"  I giggled. 

"Strike again and the Gramma roll does it again" Mom danced very imbarrasingly. We all laughed. We had already been at the 9th Strike Bowling Ally for an hour and i had knocked aproximatly 5 pins down.  Ya i suck but whatever.  "I feel retarded" i said looking down at my shoes. "Come here" Keaton said patting the chair next to him.  He pulled out his phone and took a picture of our monkey shoes.  "That is going on facebook" He smiled.  

He turned back to where my dad had also got a strike.  "Way to go dad" Keaton smiled.  He was the son my dad never got, my familey loved him and he loved us.  My parents contact names in his phone were mommy the 2nd and daddy the 2nd. 

We left the bowling lane and headed home it was almost 11.  "Sorry for keeping you guys out so late"  My Mom said.  "Its alright, Keaton can stay over right"  I looked at him knowing my parents would say yes it was just up to him.  "Sure if we can swing by my house in the morning to get my backpack."  He said.  "For sure" My mom smiled.  After he made a few calls we were home.

We were both tired so he headed to the guest bedroom and i went to my room and we both fell asleep.

Alright so the last few chapters have been fillers.  The dramatic stuff is comming next


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