Chapter 12-New Home

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Keaton's POV

"Hey man lets go," Wes walked and sat down beside me. It will be alright." I looked at him and half smiled. Then we got up and walked out of the airport and to the car.

Cora's POV

I choked back a couple of tears as I sat down in my seat.

Once we were in the air we were allowed to use electronics and walk around and stuff. I got bored and looked through my Areopostal backpack for my phone.

My hand hit an object that I didn't know I had in there I pulled it out. It was the box Keaton had given me. My heart sank at the thought of him. Keaton. I quickly reached into my backpack and pulled out my sweater he had gotten me, I quickly pulled it on.

I opened the box and a tear threatened to fall. On the top was a picture Keaton took when we were little under that was a few other pictures of us together.

Their were a few things he sent along so I didn't miss him quite as much like he sent a bottle of his cologne. That made me laugh as well as a mini pillow he usually had on his bed.

At the very bottom of the box was an envelope. I opened it and smiled at the sight of Keaton's messy writing.

Dear Cocoa,

So if you remember me and the boys are auditioning for the X FACTOR :)

And I need you to come along. Mom bought you an airplane ticket, which is behind this note. As well as a kiss from Keaton. Yes I am a dork and im about to kiss this paper. Just coz I love you.



I laughed at the last part of the note till the lady beside me gave me a funny look. That was awkward haha.

I pulled out my phone and texted him

To: Keats:)

I love the box you gave me and i cant wait for the xfactor im totally in and you are totally winning

I set down my phone and put my earphones in and started humming to music. My phone buzzed.

From: Tamara

Gonna miss you girly :(

I sighed inside hoping it was Keaton. I replied to her we had a conversation telling her to keep me updated about all the gossip at school and stuff.

The flight was short and before I knew it we had landed. I climbed out of the plane and called Ted.

"Hey Cora," he said. "I am just outside the door." "Alright" I said. He hung up.

Kind of unfriendly. I brushed it of and collected my luggage and headed for the door.

I found Ted and loaded my stuff into his truck. I climbed in the front seat and he started the vehicle.

"So what is your place like?" I questioned. "Well there is something you probably don't know," he said keeping his eyes on the road. "And that is?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"I live on a ranch, well I own a ranch," he said. This caught my attention. "Like with horses and stuff!" I practically shouted.

"You like them?" he asked obviously amused. "Yes more then like I love them, I have taken a few lessons but I don't know very much." I had a huge smiled plastered on my face.

"Oh and there is one other thing," he said. "I want you to call me Ted or Teddy. From now on I'm your brother not your guardian or parent or whatever you wanna call it."

"All right bro," I smiled jokingly punching him in the shoulder.

It was late when we arrived at the ranch house. So we were not able to go out to the stables. I jumped on the soft bed that was ready for me. Some of my things had been already sent down including my bedding, which made it feel home.

I pulled out my phone 11:23. I checked for a text from Keaton. Nothing. I decided to call him.

"Hey" Wes's voice came through the phone. "Where is Keats?" I asked. "He kind of had a tiny break down after you left and he fell asleep when we got home." He said"

"Oh I'm so sorry" I apologized to Wes. "It's alright I will get him to call you in the morning" "Thanks goodnight Wes. "Goodnight kiddo" he replied and I hung up.

I sprayed my pillow with a bit of Keaton's cologne and fell asleep.

Thank you so much for reading and voting i would like to have 5 votes for the next chapter thanks guys :)


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