Summertime Sadness

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I suppose it was inevitable.

The long and heavy overhang of doom weighing on my shoulders like a gremlin who just wouldn't leave me alone.

If I was being honest, I never did like summer. It was too hot, too many people and way too skimpy clothes that attracted the opposite gender a little too much. So much so that bad things seemed to always happen.

I still remember it.

It was like a vivid memory in my head that wouldn't stop playing on repeat.

It was, as usual, a hot summer night. We had been invited to a party by one of his best friends and he agreed to go for the both of us, even if I didn't want to go. I never did like parties.

When we had arrived the party was already in full swing, everyone dancing and sweating and drinking like it was their last night alive. He had branched off from me and went over to his group of friends, leaving me to my own devices.

I let out a tired sigh and decided to go further down the beach that we were on, deciding that there were too many people and I just really didn't want to interact with anyone at a party I didn't want to attend in the first place.


It had been a few hours and my body decided that it wanted to visit the snack table.

There were plenty of people around it just mingling and talking, having fun and making new friends. I would greet some of them quietly as I gathered some snacks to take with me back to my hideaway.

As I was walking back, there he was, his knees buried deeply into the sand with a girl trapped up under him.

Their hands were all over each other.

I let out a scoff.

I knew it was possible. I knew what he did behind my back. I had only hoped that he would come clean and I wouldn't have to catch him in the act like all the cliche cheating stories I had been told.

He let out a noise of surprise, ripping himself away from her and standing up.

He went on the normal speil of 'oh baby, it's not what it looks like! I didn't mean it! She means nothing to me!' I only rolled my eyes. "Save the shit Jeno. I know about all of your escapades. I'm not stupid. I just thought you would have more pride to break up with me, rather and have me catch you with your lips all over someone else."

I turned on my heel, walking back to my hideaway, hearing the footsteps that followed me there.

I looked over to see Jeno's best friend, Jaemin standing there, his eyes holding a sadness and worry that I had never experienced in my lifetime. It looked like he was pitying me for what had just happened.

I rolled my eyes slightly and sat down, bringing a cracker up to my lips and eating it, staring at the ocean waves that lapped rhythmically against the sand. "What is it Na?" I asked harshly.

He slowly stepped a bit closer, his fingers intertwining with each other. " okay? I know you and Jeno have been together for a while and I was just wanting to see if you were feeling okay?" His voice was soft, as if I was about to break. That made me annoyed.

"Listen, I get your worries and shit, but stop talking to me as if I'm glass about to break Jaemin. I'm fine. It's nothing new with him." I watched as he sat down beside me, looking at me with that same worry in his eyes as he searched my eyes.

"You''re crying..." He whispered softly.

I reached up and sure enough, my cheeks were wet. I hadn't even realized. I put my head down and sighed. "Of course I'm crying, I just got cheated on by my boyfriend of three years. Yeah he's done it before, but...that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt.." I mumbled softly.

I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me, pulling me close to his chest.

His heart was beating hard and fast.

He started to slowly run his fingers through my hair, letting out a quiet sigh. "I...know we don't talk a lot, but I hope you know I always told him that it wasn't a good idea. He never listened to me and I'm sorry. You're suffering now because of his dumb decision." I just leaned against him, letting my tears fall. "Go ahead and let it all out okay? I won't judge you for a second."

And so I did.

I went on a rant about how horrible Jeno had been in the relationship. All the times he had come over to my place drunk and with another girl's perfume on him. How he loved me so much in the first year before going so cold and distant.

And he listened to all of it, helping comfort me whenever it would get too much, and for that I was thankful.

When I had finished my rant he had the sweetest, most caring smile on his face. "Listen, you are an amazing girl, you're sweet and funny and kind, and if he didn't see that? Well he didn't deserve you in the first place."

I smiled weakly at him, deciding to just lay back against him. "Thank you Jaemin." I felt his chest vibrate before I heard him chuckle. "Of course, I can't let a pretty girl like you be feeling all sad over some douchebag." I giggled softly, sniffling and looking back out at the water.

I still didn't like summer, it was still too hot and sticky, but maybe a party or two wouldn't be too bad, as long as Jaemin was there too.


Written by That_writer_boy

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