Chapter 47

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Since Baby Brae was premature we had to go see her in the NICU today

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Since Baby Brae was premature we had to go see her in the NICU today. I got up from the couch to see what was takin Bree so long in the bathroom.

When I got upstairs I seen her just staring at herself in the mirror. I walked closer towards her as she snapped out of her thoughts n smiled at me.

"What's wrong ma?"
"Nothing. You ready to go?"
"Not until you tell me what's wrong."
"Well lately I been feeling ugly."
"Ma I swear you far from ugly."

She smiled at me n I kissed her. She grabbed Nolan n put him in the car. We both got in and I drove to the hospital.


The car ride to the hospital always been emotional to me

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The car ride to the hospital always been emotional to me. I was so sad I couldn't bring my baby girl home with me. Nolan always ask where she at. He gone be a good big brother I feel it.

We finally got there and checked in at the desk. They took us to her room and she looked so cute. She had on a little hat and a tiny diaper. I could also see her really small dimples coming in.

They took her out the NICU so we could do a skin to skin for 15 minutes each. Nolan came and rubbed on her hand really soft. Jour was in the corner smiling in the distance.

When it was his turn he always started to cry. Jour finally had his baby girl and I know he felt complete. She was his twin frl. Looked like a girly Jour.

Taurus 🐸

I was in the studio recording my new song toxic when I got a call from the hospital

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I was in the studio recording my new song toxic when I got a call from the hospital. I answered and it was one of the doctors there.

"Hello may I speak to a Mr.Taurus Bartlett?"
"Yes this is he."
"Oh well we have called you regarding Mr.Saaheem Bartlett."
"What's going on with him?"
"Well he was in a fatal car accident and we don't think he's gonna make it."

I dropped my phone n fell to my knees. I finally got to know my big brother and he might die on me. Ts gone fuck Bree up to the max bruh.

I called Bree and she answered real quiet.

"What's wrong T?"
"Uh Bree Bree is abt Saaheem.."
"What's wrong with Heem?"
"He was ina car accident and they don't think he gone make it.."

She got real quiet n then I hear Jour in the back trying to calm her down.

"Bree Bree get up."
"Stop crying ma he gone be good."

I hung up and got in my thoughts..

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