Chapter 5

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•6 Months Later•

Today was the day I lost the love of my life

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Today was the day I lost the love of my life. I found out that she had a whole secret family. With a daughter and a husband.

She told her family she was going to help her sick grandma in Cali but was with me the whole time.

I told her she could never see Tre ever again. My trust so fucked up now yo like I really thought we was forever.

I decided to drop Tre off at Tee house and go make a song to take my mind off things(Song at the top).

I explained everything I never cared about. After I left the studio I went back to Tee house so I could Vent.

I needed my lil sister rn.


I had just laid Tre down for his nap when Taurus knocked on the door

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I had just laid Tre down for his nap when Taurus knocked on the door. I opened it and he had a painful look in his eyes.

He sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands.

"What's wrong T"?
"J-Jayda had a whole secret family while she was wit me"he said as he started to cry.

I sat next to him and laid his head on my lap. He cried hard and for a long time. I knew how much he loved this girl. They was together 3 years and her "family" never noticed that.

This meant war to me ion care. Nobody messes wit my brother that bitch gone get what's comin to her.

So she better be ready to fight cuz when I see her it's on sight period no tampon.

I told him to go to the guess room where Tre was and he could stay the night if he wanted to.

After he went upstairs I went to his house and got him some outfits for about a week.I went to Tre's room and did the same.

I turned on his alarm and left to go back to my house. I stopped at Sonic to get him some food.

I got home and gave him his food and kissed him on his forehead.

"Wait Tee".
"I love you sis".
"I love you too T".


I know I was wrong for doing Taurus like that but my husband is a lawyer and not good at all

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I know I was wrong for doing Taurus like that but my husband is a lawyer and not good at all.

I needed somebody with street smarts that's not a thug but still has a thug look or talk.

I feel so bad and guilty now like I have a whole daughter that's 4 and I missed so much in her life all because I wasn't happy in the marriage.

I got back home to New York and walked in the house. My daughter came running up to me and hugged me tight.

Then she took me to the kitchen where her dad left a not for me.

The note read: Hey Jay Jay I know I left Jala there by herself,but I needed to leave. I found out you were having an affair from a old friend of mine. She said you were sleeping with her brother and you had a baby by him named Tre. I feel so hurt in the inside and I will be back for MY daughter. You have never been there for her but the first year. But you spent 3 with another man. I should've known because your grandma died last year ya mom told me. I hope you have a nice life with the new guy~Love Dre.

I felt horrible I started to cry. I hurt to innocent people. I can't see my son Tre anymore and I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna see Jala anymore.

I went up to my room and saw that my husband's stuff was gone. I can't believe what I did and I have a feeling Ik who told him.

I dropped off Jala at Dre's mom house and got my private Jet to take me back to Florida. Once I got there I looked and asked around who had seen Tierra.

Someone said her and Taurus was at the mall so I pulled up. I walked around the mall and found her.

"Aye bitch"!

She turned around and I ran up on her. She dropped her bags and put her hair up.

She punched me in my face and got on top of me and continued to punch. Out of no where I seen her bsf Kierra come and started to drag me too.

I can't believe I was getting jumped but that's what I get for hurting Taurus.

Taurus came and pulled Tierra off me and drug her away with there stuff. Kierra kicked me in my head then spit on me.

"Idc if that's nasty bitch you nasty and you will always be hoe".

The she walked away.

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