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"She wore a thousand faces, all to hide her own"- Atticus

"agh ah" she groaned and winced as she moved to get up and out of bed. Last night had been a bad one. She limped to the mirror, attempting to walk normally but failing miserably as pain seared through her ribs. Bruises covered her legs, belly, arms, wrists and chest. Cringing at the sight, she went to the draw and pulled out a Shirt and jeans. She put them on and went over to her vanity, covering the bruises visible and applying light makeup to her face to make herself look presentable. She made sure no one would be able to see them and then grabbed her jacket and put on her shoes. Her Shirt was a light long sleave plaid shirt so no one could see but she wouldnt be too hot during the day. She pulled her hair into a ponytail, grabbed her gun from the lockbox and her badge from the bench and left. Soon enough she was walking her way upstairs.

"Hey Upton" Kevin said as he turned around to type some sort of paperwork up on his computer.
"What? Oh Hi." Hailey said, startled. She hadn't expected to be late this morning. She carefully took her jacket off and placed it on her chair and sat down, silently wincing as the bruises on her thighs hit the chair, painful reminders of what had happened the night before. "Hailey? You alright?" She heard the worried voice of her partner and looked up to see him staring at her. A worried crease in his brow. "What?" She'd heard him, just didn't want to answer and his question had caught her by surprise.
"Are you okay? You looked like you where in pain when you sat down"
"NO, I mean yea im fine, dont worry i promise im fine"
"okay" he held his hands up defensively. They got back to work and about an hour later Platt walked up the stairs. Hailey was laughing at something Jay had said when a sudden and loud "UPTON" erupted through the bullpen "your boyfriends here he says he needs to speek with you" Her face dropped for a split second before picking up again in a smile. "Yea, uh. Be down in a sec" she stood up and walked downstairs. "Brad? What are you doing here?"
"We need to speek now"
"Okay?" Gesturing for him to start talking. Her gesture was only met with a stern look of disapproval.
"Not here" he said with such a tone it made her know exactly what was going on.
"Uh, okay. Here" She signaled to follow her and guided him as she walked to a room with no surveillance cameras.

Brad started getting mad about something she probably did wrong. She learned to drown it out most the time and just say 'Im sorry'. It worked most the time. Or atleast that's what she made herself belive. Today that clearly wasn't enough. He threw a swift and sharp punch to the abdomen knocking her back. He slapped her face and tripped her up. She'd learned not to try and fight back. When he was done with her he walked out leaving Hailey on the floor, winded and in pain, feeling more pathetic than ever that it happened in the station of all places. She stood up and checked for any visible blood or marksThere was no blood but a bruises forming on her cheek so she stood and pulled her hair out of the ponytail to cover it. She left the room, wincing as she made her way back upstairs.

"Whats up? Was everything alright with him?" Jay asked worry lacing his voice as Hailey made it up to the top of the stairs.
"Uh yea, yea im fine I just- he just needed to talk" She said as she sat back on her chair to focus on the last of her paperwork from a previous case. Again she winced but this time because of a sharp pain in her abdomen. A whimper slipped out and Jay's head whiped up
"Hailey are you sure-"
"YES Jay. I am fine. Now will you please stop worrying because I'm fine" she said and stormed out to the changing room before she said something she thoroughly regretted. Hank had wandered in when he heard the commotion from his office and looked pointedly at Jay who shrugged and looked worriedly at the direction his parter had wandered off too.
Rojas stood up about two minutes later and followed Hailey.

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