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"Hide nothing, for time, that sees all and hears all, exposes all" -Sophocles

The next morning Hailey and Jay went in to find flowers at Haileys desk. Haileys guard had been up since last night and this just made it worse. Jay could basically see Haileys hairs stand up on her neck and a suppressed flinch when a voice rose, bringing her out of her stuppor.
"Someone either has a secret admirer or Brad is sorry" Adam said as he walked by, a hot cup of coffee in his hand.
"hmm" she hummed purely to herself. Brad never sends her flowers, said it was a useless waste of money for someone who never did anything to deserve it.
She walked over and took the card that was shooting straight through the centre, reading 'Hailey' on the front. Barely looking at the flowers she opened the card. 
'What did I say about coming home? I went hungry bitch." That along with a few other, not so progressive slurs where strewn across the card. Signed very politely with just '-BI' brads initials.
"Hnn, wonder how he got that past the flower shop" she muttered under her breath. Her voice raising to ask no one in particular a question. "Hey um who dropped these off?" 
"i dont know, they where here when I got here" Adams voice rose again, everyone in the room could see she was uneased by the flowers.
"Huh" she, again was muttering to herself.
"HAILEY!" her thoughts where interrupted by a grovely voice shouting through the door and she couldn't help but jerk forward into the desk, an overwhelming need to do something or fix something spread through her. She knocked over her pens and coffee and panic spread through her as she heard a chair scrape along the floor.
"crap" she muttered as her hand shot out in a panicked fumble.
"hey i got it" Jay stood behind her, laying a hand on her back and completely ignoring the harsh flinch "go on he sounds mad"
She looked up, regretting her instinctual flinch and accepted the help "thanks Jay, sorry"
Jays brows creased as she walked away. Why would she apologise to him?

She walked into voights office and closed the door. 
"Can you tell me why I get the report back from your hospital visit yesterday to find that it says traces of red brick?"
She jerked back into the wall, a wave of panic rained down on her.
"sorry, must have come from the wall in the locker room when I hit my hea..." she was interrupted and she tried to keep her breathing undercontrol.
"The locker room walls are BLUE Hailey. Blue and brown. Not bright red. Where did it come from Upton?"

She was frantically running her options for an excuse through her head.

"Umm i dont, i dont know" yea great excuse there Hailey. she had a  distressed look on her face that made voight shut up straight away.
"Hailey sit down" She did as she was told, voights tone far too soft for her liking as he kneeled infront of her.

"Hailey, you can tell me anything, anything at all you know that right?" He'd been a detective long enough to know when something was wrong with his team. And something had been bothering her for a while.
"uh huh" she mumbled at her shoes.
"Okay so im going to ask a personal question okay? Answer it truthfully" she nodded her head reluctantly.

"Is Brad hurting you when your at home? I know you two share a house, is that why your staying at Jays?" She instantly shook her head, maybe too fast. And he picked up on it.
"Hailey. What about that story you told in the investigation room? you've never told that one before?"
"New one, just to get her to speek." Voight grabbed onto her wrists and she had to bite her tongue, HARD to stop from flinching away and showing pain on her face. She tasted iron seep into her mouth.
"Hailey.." this time she interrupted him, needing desperately to get out of there.
"Sarge im fine seriously"
"Okay. You would tell me though right?"
"mkay go on, get some work done"

She walked out and straight to her desk to find it tidy and organised. She looked up at Jay and he smiled at her. She quickly remembered about the note still left atop her case files and looked at it to find it undisturbed. Thinking quickly she grabbed it, throwing it in her trash before grabbing her coat and saying she was going out for a walk. Voight agreed since it was a slow day but was reluctant when she denied the company from Jay.

Walking down the street on her way to a Greek desert store, she got a cold, dark feeling, the kind of feeling she got when she was tailing...or being tailed on a job. She'd picked it up, almost like a sixth sense back on her first UC op with Booth, it was a gruesome necessity. She turned and decided to start walking back.

A bit into her journey back she slowed, feeling a presence behind her again. She turned and saw nothing, the same empty street she'd been walking on. As she turned back around, sped up and kept walking she bumped into someone, it surprised her since there had only been one elderly woman on her side of the street, she'd bumped into a hard chest, larger then her. As she looked up she was grabbed by the wrist and forcibly dragged into the ally. She struggled at first, but a flash of the auburn hair that peaked out the hood the assailant wore and she soon enough gave into the assault that ensued.

A/N: if I miss any uploads or anything alots going on and I domt have time to write. But Saturdays are still my upload days. Sorry for any delays

Fact: the title is Greek for hidden I really wanted Haileys Greek heritage to be more involved in the show. This was the only way I could do that haha

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