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"Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations"

"Hailey, why would I be mad at you?"
His voice wasn't stern. 
It wasn't a "what did you do" it was more of a "why on earth would I ever be mad with you?" And that warmed Hailey's heart.
But it also didn't do much for Hailey's fear that he would be upset that she's asking this of him again.

"I need a place to stay. I'm....I'm breaking up with Brad. Jay, I need h-" she cut herself off. That...that wasn't right. It wasn't abuse. So she should be able to get away by herself right?

"You need what Hailey?" His voice was urgent. He had seen the subtle way Brad treated her. And he was glad she was breaking up with him. But he was worried. His fingers drummed on the steering wheel as he (possibly sped) to get to Brad's apartment. "Hailey, it's okay. I'm on my way. What do you need?"

"Help" her voice whimpered out. She had never heard herself whimper. Ever. She didn't whimper. But as she stared at the glass from the vase that was thrown above her head last night, the blood that was now streaming down her kitchen sink as she attempted to clean her face, and the mess that trifled its way through her apartment. She realised just how bad it was.

"I need help, '' she tripped and stood on glass with her boot. She put her hand on the counter to steady herself and instead got glass in her hand. And at the pain that shot its way up her arms, she suddenly was back to when she was a child, hiding under a bed, protecting her brothers as her father threw glasses about and chased them with an extension cord.

She was back as soon as she left, but it resulted in her shaking as she attempted to remove the glass from her palm. She eventually gave up. In favour of trying to get Jay to get off the phone till he got here, of course he refused. Staying on the line the entire time as Hailey tried to subtly sweep up the shattered glass. Tried to pick up the apartment. She couldn't have Jay seeing it like this. But by the time he arrived she had only gotten so far after she remembered she should probably apply makeup to the bruise blooming on her face.

Jay had been worryingly trying to get Hailey to tell him what she needed help with. This was to no avail, of course. She wouldn't say. And eventually it turned into her subtly hinting he didn't have to come over, then when he refused that offer, she all but screamed it at him.
He still refused.

She heard a knock on the door and quietly crept over to the peep hole when she heard Jay's voice. "It's me, Hails. Open up. Im here to help"

She didn't know why, but just the thought that his presence was here comforted her slightly, although the idea that he would see her apartment in the state it currently was did nothing to aid that.

She checked (what was left of) the mirror that hung beside the door. Her makeup wasn't perfect, but it would do. She lifts her shaking hand to the door locks. She undid the chain and the deadbolt then pulled open the door.

Jay was standing there, his hair slightly wet from the rain that Hailey had just registered was falling outside. She felt guilty as she looked him in the eyes. All she saw was worry. She put him through worry for nothing. She must have stood staring for a weirdly long time because Jay's entire face softened as he spoke.
"Hailey? I'm here now. Bradley's not here right?". It was then that she noticed what she had been doing and bowed her head. Staring at Jay's shoes instead of his face as she shook her head.
"Okay. Can I come in? Then you can tell me why you need my help". His voice was soft. Sincere, But somewhere, in the not so far back depths of her brain, there was a voice talking to her. Telling her that he was wondering why someone who was meant to be so strong, needed this sort of help.

But she ignored it for now. In favour of slipping from the doorway and holding the door open for him to step inside.
"I'm sorry. About the mess. I didn't have time to clean up all the way." She felt awful, and she knew if Brad were here. If Brad was to find out she let someone see their house be seen like this, he would flip. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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