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"You owe it to yourself to create a life you don't want to escape from"

Her alarm.
No. Wait.
Her phone. It was ringing. Her head was splitting and she could hardly lift it for the first few minutes. But when the phone rang through to voicemail then again started ringing, Hailey decided it must be really important so she slowly opened her eyes. She was met with the Grey and blue tiles of her Kitchen floor. She stared at them in confusion before remembering what had happened last night. The verbal and physical abuse. When she had gotten kicked to the floor and left, she just admitted defeat and fell asleep. Now she was regretting it.

She slowly sat up, grabbing her phone from the countertop and looked at the 4 missed calls from Jay. She sighed and rang him back as she stood. She slowly, cautiously, walked to the vacated bedroom and stopped outside, listening. Brad had already left to go to work. There was no sounds inside.
She listened to the phone dialing as she stripped off her shirt and looked at herself in the mirror.

Dried blood covered her nose and top lip and she felt woozy looking at her Torso. It almost looked like one big bruise, her once healing bruises where now covered in new, angry purple bruises. She was shocked out of her trance when a voice sounded through the phone. "Hailey?". Her head whipped around out of surprise and her head blew up in pain. She walked over to where she had laid her phone on speaker, "Jay, hey. What's up why where you calling?"

"We caught a case but you didn't answer Voight or Adams call we where all worried. Were on our way back now" that's when Hailey registered the low rumble of the truck in the background of the call. Hailey bent to grab a T-Shirt out of her bag but gasped out in pain. "Hailey? You okay?" his voice sounded urgent as it fluttered through her phone. "Yea, yea just.. stubbed my toe" she tried again and got the shirt, pulling it over her head and grabbed her Jacket, when she realised her keys where gone she looked outside while placating Jay with mumbled responses. Her car was there but Brad had took her keys.


He wanted her to ask permission to go out. It had happened alot. More so before they broke up, but it started back up again more recently. Hed always find a way to make her ask.
She realised she was just going to have to start asking automatically again.
And silently, Hailey was hoping he had just hidden them from her. So, while still talking to Jay, she messaged Brad. It took him a total of 2 seconds to respond. As if he was waiting for her.

Hi, do you know where
my keys are? I need
to go to work

These keys?

Brad:These keys?

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Brad. I need those for
work? What am.i supposed
to do?? Im already late.

Not my fault you couldn't
get up in time baby. You
can ask someone for a lift
IF, you ask me politely?

Im a grown woman,
I dont need your permission
to get a lift to work from
a coworker

I was going to ask you
already when I woke up.
Can I please go to work?
And can I please get a lift
from a coworker?

Well since you asked so
politely, yes. You may.

Thank you

Hailey hated seeming week and having to ask her boyfriend so she can go to work. But it meant less of a beating later.

She spoke back up to Jay who, polite as ever, was still on the phone with her.
"Hey, Jay. Umm, could you...could you pick me up please? Brad seems to have taken my keys with him by mistake." She sounded like a stuttering mess. She was very well aware, she needed to stop. But Jay, the chivalrous guy he was, quickly replied back.
"Yes. Of dont have to explain Hails" and that was when she decided.
She made her decision.
She needed to do it.

It was the nickname that did it for her.

But her mind had her stuck between a rock and a hard place. Would he belive her? She certainly had the bruises and marks to prove it. But before, the only other time someone had caught onto what Brad was doing, he explained it away.
Hailey fell down the stairs. Hailey tripped. Hailey was a clutz.
That day, when Brads friend walked in on her changing, she thought that had been it. That it would stop.
When Brad explained it away, and the friend went home no further questions asked, she berated herself. And eventually she would tell herself that it wasn't abuse.
He just got mad sometimes.

So would Jay believe her? Hailey hardly believed herself. It wasn't abuse. Right? Its just...he gets mad sometimes.

But none of that mattered.
She wanted out of the relationship. For good. She didn't want to be in this relationship anymore. She hadn't for a while but didn't know what to do. So. She ran. Well...kind of

"And, um. I have a question to ask you. But please don't be mad okay?"

A/N: okay. So, sorry about the long hiatus. Anyone in the UK will know, testing season just finished. So I haven't been able to write for a while. But I got this out. And I would like to note, I got asked if, when Jay finds out, will that be the end.

My answer? This is just the beginning.

Now, I know that this seems really OOC for Hailey. Im very well aware, but I think after how we saw her mental health plummet in s9? I think the reaction to abuse is different for everyone, and im writing this from the POV that Hailey has been SA before, and abused. This isn't the first time.

So while her being more scared and cautious is slightly OOC, its not too far off.

I am now on a writing role tonight. So I will continue writing. I hope yall enjoyed.

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