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"Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient"

Hailey woke up to her phone ringing, she had gotten in late that night after staying late, wanting to avoid talking to anyone at all costs. She glanced at her clock as she answered the phone, forgetting to look at the caller ID.


It was 6:48. Later when all is said and done she might laugh at the irony. But right now, she groaned at how early it was as she begrudgingly picked up the phone.

"Upton" she answered coldly as she mentally decided to get up to grab something to drink while on the phone. But the other end was silent, save for a short, staggered breathing.
"Hello?" The line stayed silent and she was about to hang up as she stood when a voice finally travelled through.


She slumped back down as she looked around wildly. It was him. It was Brad.

"Hailey. Baby oh my god. I am so. Sorry. You know I would never do anything to hurt you. Please come home. Please I miss you. I need you. Please"

His begging trailed through her phone. When Hailey had ran to Jays she made the final decision to never let him get to her. To never let him manipulate her back.

That promise was currently flying its way out the window.

"Bradley?" She whimpered. Her voice sounded nothing like herself. But at the moment, she felt bad. In her moment of exhausted terror, she bought into everything he was telling her.

"Yea baby its me. Oh I missed your voice. Im sorry I yelled at you. Please come home? Please. I promise I won't do it again." Empty promises. Thats all they where and Hailey knew it. But at that moment. At that point all she actually knew was the man who professed his love to her 3 weeks into their relationship. Who gave her a home when she had to leave hers. Who listened to her cries after a hard day of work.

That man was currently apologising. And sounded in pain. And she broke.

"Okay" a sorrowful whisper finally broke through the never ending wave of promises and apologies. "Okay I'll, I'll come home. I have to uh, to wait. For Jay to wake up so I can thank him for letting me stay uh but, I'll...I'll be home at around 9 ish? Is that okay?"

"Yea. Yea of course baby. Be polite like I taught you and ill see you at 9. Hey! Baby?" His speech was more steady now.

"Hmm?" She whimpered through the phone. Half expecting a threat.

"I love you" and with that, he hung up.

She exhaled and started packing her things again. There wasn't much, but she folded her clothes that where in her room and then padded through the apartment picking up little things she had left lying about. Her phone charger, some clothes from the laundry basket, tooth brush, toothpaste, toiletries.

She finished up by setting the bed with fresh sheets and moving her bag into the living room. She had busied herself with making breakfast by the time Jay walked out, clad in grey sweatpants and pulling on a black shirt.

"Hey Hailey, thought I heard you wandering about this morning" he said as he grabbed the cup of coffee left on the bench and settled himself leaning against the wall as he took in his apartment. He heard Hailey mutter something about being sorry if she woke him but he disregarded it with a "dont worry, you didnt" His eyes landing on the bag next to the couch. "Woah, wait your leaving?"

"Yea...yea umm...Brad. He called this morning. Apologised. I thought, since it had all settled now I would stop freeloading off of you and get out of your hair." She talked into the food she was currently plating, using it as an excuse to not look at Jay.

"Okay hold on, A. You where never 'in my hair' or 'freeloading'" he muttered, walking forward and leaning down to attempt to catch her eyes. "B." His voice was husky with sleep and it made her stomach flip. In a way she had never experienced before. It kind of scared her. "I like having you here" her stomach flipped again. Something warm settling in it. "And C. Are you sure you wanna go back?" No.

It was the first thought that entered her brain and she wasn't entirely sure where it came from. But at that moment she had to. Right?

"No. YES yes I want to go back. He said he misses me and he's sorry so..." he hadn't missed the lack of 'I miss him' s but didn't say anything. Nor had he missed the look in her eyes when he mentioned him liking her being there but he also decided to ignore his reaction to it.

"Hailey? Look at me." It was firm and her eyes shot up. Meeting his eyes for the first time since he'd woken up, something she had been trying to not do and the look in her eyes kicked up something unsettling inside of him. Somewhere, deap down...she didn't wanna go. He could see it but he couldn't force her too. So instead he extended a vote of confidence for her.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right? Any time. Any place, day or night. If I'm asleep, wake me up. If I'm busy, just get my attention and I will drop. Everything for you. If anything happens between you and Brad. And I mean anything, tell me and I can help." It brought tears to her eyes and she genuinely questioned her choices. She genuinely questioned if she should be doing this.

But he sounded concerned on the phone so she just nodded and muttered an "i know, thank you" to him. An hour later she was on her way to Brads house. But for some reason it didn't feel like she was going home.

A/N: Sorry i know its a late upload. i forgot to upload on Saturday. Been planning this one for a while. It was either have her go back to Brad or to have a flashback but I felt this was A)Better for the story line cause idk about other people but flashbacks in fanfics confuse me a lot of the time
And B) I thought I could drag this out far longer with having her go back then I would be able to if I had a flashback.

I am sorry about the screwed up times. when I originally planned a revamp I think I forgot that would include writing new parts to finish the story and having to plan the rest of it. I've been having a lot of trouble settling down ideas for the fic and expanding on them. I have about 7 ideas written down on another page of this fanfic with no clue how to connect them all and expand on them but give me time and I will. I have so much planned for my writing including my actual book which I am currently working on. If any of you are fans of 9-1-1, I have plans and have written part of one of the 3 fics I have planned for the show. I have a few more planned for Lone Star as well. again bear with me and I will be back on track soon.

I have a thing for radio and Military Codes so if any of yall know the Chicago police Radio codes you will know the sneaky code i slipped in here. 486 is the code for domestic Battery which i moved the 6 so I could be a time.

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