Hurt. Its more painful when its hidden

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"Numbing the pain will only make it hurt worse when you finally feel it"

The man only got a few punches in before another man ran down the ally shouting.
"HEY GET OFF OF HER". At the first sound of a man's voice scared the girl so much she barely registered what he had said. It only reran its loop round her brain when the punches stopped. She picked up footsteps pounding through the puddles down the ally and she was helped to her feet by the man.
"Are you okay, miss? Do u need me to take you to the hospital? Call the police or sommin?" The man had a strange mix of accents. British and some other accent but she'd noticed it and its what she focused on.
"No, thank you. Ahh" She yelped as she eased her way up, stretching her bruised ribs. "Im a detective up at that station over there" She pointed to the building poking out a few blocks away "Mmm'll be fine. I've been through worse. Im just gonna walk back"
"Okay miss as long as your sure." As Hailey started walking away a hand shot out to stop her. She flinched but looked up with a smile  "Peter, by the way."
"Detective Upton, uhh, Hailey" she was uncomfortable sticking around but obliged the kind man who saved her.
"Hailey. Nice name, Origin Scottish clan, Norse and English origin. So is Upton, of English Origin, I mean." She gave him a confused look. "Sorry, I.. that wasn't...I've never done that before but wh- I talk alot when I'm nervous, or hyped up on adrenaline and uh- I study onomatology. The history of names, well uh, I hope your okay"
She smiled awkwardly as they walked out of the ally and parted ways, her walking back to the station in time to catch a ride with Jay back home.


Back at the apartment Hailey was layed, almost asleep, on the couch, they'd been watching TV as she started to doze off, when the doorbell rang and Jay ran over, frantically trying to put a stop to the loud noise.

"Hey guys, 'm sorry your gonna have to be quiet for now. Haileys asleep and she really needs it. She's barely slept the past few nights" Jays quiet voice trailed through the apartment.
Hailey faintly heard a few male voices as well as Kims saying okay. As she was drifting off she felt her legs being lifted, the couch slumping and her legs being layed back down. 

She woke up an hour later to laughter coming from the team who where now suddenly sat in the living room, minus Vanessa and Voight. Her bruised feet where resting in Kevs lap, covered in her socks as she blinked and tensed slightly. 

"oh hey girly." Came Kevs smooth voice when he felt her legs tensing up, his hand came down, attempting to massage the tension out but it made her more tense as his fingers hit a bad bruise.

"hmm? Hi. When did..uh- when did you all get here? God, sorry- Jay why didn't you wake me up?" She asked sitting up slightly and stopping when Kevin's hand closed around her leg, keeping her down. It panicked her for a second before she remembered who he was. It was a dumb reaction and she knew it.

"cause you haven't been sleeping hails, thought you could use it." His eyes swept over her face
"I, I've been sleeping!" She looked away from him.
"...hailey" he said with a stern look on his face. She stood, coughing and walking to the kitchen. She walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, when there was a sharp knock on the door. She walked over opened the door.
"HAILEY! HEY! THERE YOU ARE? WHERE HV YOU BEEN? Screwin that partner of yours huh?
"NO DONT YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME," he grabbed her arm, hard. At that point the team walked round, frowns on there faces and he looked up
What you been doin em all Hailey?" He mumbled down so only she could hear
"brad" he kept ranting "brad" he kept a hard firm grip on her and tightened it, she yelped in pain as adam, kevin and Jay stepped forward and she panicked. "BRAD"
"yes and I am sorry. But.."
"NO. No buts Hailey." She went to speek up again when his eyes darkened and he leaned in to whisper in her ear "You will be sorry bitch."

And he walked out, slamming the door behind him, making her jump. She turned back to the team. 
"what the hell was that?" Kevin said. 
"I dont know. He, uh..we where on...not so good terms when I came here. He's just mad. Its nothing" she said as her phone buzzed. She walked over checking it to see a new text from Brad-
"Bitch. You better HOPE non of me or my boys see you alone." Her face smoothed over to stone.

A/N: im gonna keep saying sorry for late uploads but next weeks isn't gonna be late I SWEAR. Hope you all enjoyed this part sorry its not that good and I already have a few parts written

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