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"Lies are hard to tell when eyes have been trained to spot them"

When they arrived Jay looked over and saw Hailey was still unconscious but slowly coming in and out. He parked out front and ran around.
"Hailey?" He asked gently. His worry was increasing. She grumbled in pain as she woke up and looked about. "Were at the hospital. You need to get that cut looked at can you walk?" She nodded and let Jay guide her out of the car. They got about 10 steps with Hailey putting alot of weight on Jays support before her legs gave out.
"Hailey I'm gonna pick u up OK?" He said as he leant down. She looked at him in panic, protesting everything she could that she was fine. In reality she knew she wasn't and she knew she couldn't make it in but she was fully conscious and didn't see the point of him carrying her in. It would just make a huge fuss but before she knew it she was being hoisted up and Jay was rushing her in.

Jay called out for help and they where taken straight back. She was now fully conscious and awake had asked Jay to leave during the exam. He wasn't sure why she asked but he complied. Wanting her to feel the most comfortable in the most uncomfortable place for both of them. But he would've preferred to stay with her for support.

When the curtain was next pulled, the doctor walked in staring at his Ipad. Presumably reading over the overview.
"Okay so" his head shot up as he read and re-read the name"...Hailey?" He gasped in shock.
"Will?"She fell over her words as she got nervous. She'd forgotten if he would've been on shift today but would've thought he would've saw Jay, probably pacing in the hall. She was right.
"Ahh so it's you that has my brother walking back and forth in the hall? I sent him to the waiting room. This says you have a cut and lost consciousness? Left arm. Can I see?" She knew what he meant. She knew it had to be Jacket off for this but she was desperately trying to avoid taking off the long sleeved shirt. If she did, he would see the bruises and GOD would there be questions she didn't have an answer for.
"Can u take your Jacket off please?" He said as he gloved up and stood next to her. A little to close for comfort and she tensed slightly.
She hesitated, but complied, taking her left arm out the jacket. The more of the jacket she pulled off the more bruises of different shapes, sizes and age she revealed. Wills face darkened as he stared at one that looked like a hand print. he looked up from the arm at her with a questioning look in her eyes.
"I uhh, fell. I fell down the stairs" she mumbled. She was trying to keep eye contact. Lack of it would prove she's lying. But for a detective who frequented the undercover scene, she wasn't telling good lies to begin with.
"Hailey? Something i should know about?" He'd seen the signs before. On countless patients that usually ended up with a call to the police and Social Services. But he hoped he wouldn't have to make that call at all.

"No" her response came quick, too quick and fast with the loss of eye contact and instead she suddenly found the blanket draped over her cold body very interesting.
"Hailey" he decided to test the waters. "HIPPA still applies. Even if your with my brother." Haileys eyes bugged out.
"IM NOT with Jay."
"No?" He'd started cleaning and stitching her up, watching her wince and apologising.
"No im with someone else." As the words slipped from her mouth she cursed herself. What was she thinking?

There it was. So she was with someone else. He was still stiching her up and coming to the last one. Noticing how she flinched when his fingers grazed her skin. "Whats his name?"
"Brad." The curt answer slipped out as if almost on instinct.
"What does he do?"
"That's non of your buisness"
The questions bounced back and forth finishing without
"Do you live together?"
"Technically speaking yes. But I'm staying at Jays right now so" Jays? Why was she staying at his brothers house if everything was as as fine as she said it was. "Has he seen these bruises? What does he think" the question slipped before he could catch it but he needed to know.
"No. No no god no. A) there's nothing to know. I fell down the stairs in my house. B) if he saw them he'd just worry about me like you are." So what had she been doing? Wearing long sleeves and pants all day at his apartment? He knew how hot that place got.
"Okay. I need to check for other injuries"
"NO. Im fine." She was panicking again. Trying to slow her breathing.
"Hailey" he didn't actually have to. But with the state of her arm he was worried about injuries to the rest of her.
"I swear im fine."
"Hailey, its policy."
"Will just finish stitching me up, let these meds" she lifted her arm to indicate the catheter currently pumping meds, saline and blood through her system. She'd lost more blood than she thought she had. "-go through and let me go please." Her pleading eyes melted him. She was like a sister to him and never in the years he'd known her had she ever begged for anything.
"Fine" he would just make sure to keep an eye on her.

Back at the district, someone was sat waiting for Hailey at her desk.

A/N:OK so how did u like part 2? Again. Tell me how you found my fic and dont forget to interact.

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