A time for healing

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You are strong, but there are days you've been broken beyond repair and you can feel the hurt in the core of your being

  Hailey was sat on Jays couch, her eyes closed. Worrying.
What will happen next time he sees her?
How bad will he hurt her?
How much will she have to cover this time?
Why was he doing this?
Did she deserve it?
He only did it when he was angry, basically all the time. Maybe it was her fault?
Maybe she should go home...  uh go back and just stick with it.
How would Jay react when he found out?
IF he found out.
He was gonna hate her.
God she was broken, why wouldn't he. He would be disgusted.

She knew Jay. She knew he wouldn't. But a small voice, the voice that was becoming more prominent, louder, everyday, kept saying all of this so much, she was starting to believe it.

Her thoughts where interrupted by the doorbell, bringing her back and she told herself she was crazy. 

"I got it Hails" Jay said as he neared the door, seemingly addiment on intercepting her before she could answer the door, before she could even stand up.
"Hey Jay" A voice she recognised drifted through the apartment.
"Hey Will" Jay responded. Haileys interest peaked, they weren't expecting him round. But it quickly dropped as she heard Jay speek and realised what was going on
"why did u ask me over?"
"could u take a look at haileys head, she wouldn't go to med." She heard the disappointment in his voice. Of course he was disappointed in her. Why wouldn't he be.
"sure what happened?" Will asked walking through. Jay's only two instructions where
A)Come over quick
B)Bring your medical bag.

And he did both

"Um not sure actually. Shes through there" he said going to grab some water from the kitchen. Mainly to have something to do with his hands. He had a strange protective urge to rub her back when she tensed or panicked during this but knew it wouldn't land too well with her.

"Hey Hailey, Jay had me come check on you." He said as he set his bag down and sat on the coffee table in front of her.
"JAY, im fine!" A soft 'uh huh' came from the kitchen. "Will seriously, I got a cut on my head is all."
Wills eyes scanned the doorway, checking to make sure Jay wasn't there.
"What happened Hailey? And dont give me a crappy answer like you did earlier."
"I" She was about to admit to him everything. But she saw Jay come out from the corner of her eye "I dont know" her entire tone changed and Will noticed it "I had a panic attack at work and i sort of... blurred out everything, I must of hit my head, oww" she hissed when he touched it. "Its bad hailey, you need stitches. And a sterile field to do said stitches in. Head up to med i will meet you their and me and nat will take care of you.

"Uh, Will?" She looked out the corner of her eye, Jay still watching her like a hawk, and lowered her voice "is it necessary?" Wills eyebrows creased "I mean, the stitches, bringing Natalie into this?" She adamantly didnt want more people, more doctors, involved in this then was necessary. And even then shed be hesitant.

"Sorry Hailey." His voice low and then he suddenly raised it, making Hailey jump "Head on up to med I will meet y'all up their."

They said their goodbyes and got their coats on. Then headed to the hospital. 


When they arrived she was taken to the back and Jay waited in the waiting room.
"Jay" Will walked out in his scrubs
"Any history of anxiety"
"Umm, not that I know off. Shes only ever had one other panic attack" he was fine listing any and all information he had about her.

"Why did Hailey go into the panic attack, did she tell anyone? what happened to her before and during, was anyone there?" he said, just following protocol.
"Um I'm not entirely sure why, but I was there during it. Her boyfriend came round to the station, kinda mad she didnt come home last night, she saw him out then rushed to the locker room, I followed. She slammed her hand into the lockers and i think the sink. I went into her sat on the floor." he recited the rest to him while in the back Nat was working on Hailey.

"You wanna tell me what happened Hailey?" she said as she put her gloves on.
"I uh, dont know"
"Mkay lets have a look then." She said looking closely, when she saw what she thought to look like gravel, "hold on hailey" she muttered as she turned and grabbed the magnifying glass. She was right, Haileys cut had jagged, rough edges and small pieces of red gravel or.... brick in it.
So she told Hailey to wait, they where stuck in deep enough she needed to get them out. She asked Monique to join her with a pan and forceps. 
"Whats up Natalie?" Haileys anxiety had already reached its peak.

"Um theirs some debris we need to get out of there it shouldn't hurt to much"
"uh ok"
So she got to work, slowly taking pieces of red brick out of her cut.
"Hailey you really dont know how you got RED brick in your cut?" Nat already knew what it looked like, the jagged cut, the angle of it and red brick, on top of it she caught hailey pull her hoodie sleeves countless times. Even if it was down anyway.
"ok time for the stitches"

Meanwhile Will was now sat in the break room thinking on whether or not he should report this. If he suspected it he has to report it.All the signs pointed towards it but something was stopping him. Plus, with HIPPA he'd have talk to her about reporting first. Which meant admitting what was happening.
Decuding the coffee wasnt helping, he went to check on her and saw Jay with her while she was getting her jacket on. "no signs of concussion, just keep an eye out, make sure to clean that Hailey."
"I will." She stated as she walked out.

"Will" Natalie said as she turned and picked the pan up and showed it to him, "this is what i picked from her cut, and the cut was jagged"
"Is that.."
"brick, yea. It looks like shes... had her head slammed into a wall or something." Both of them knew what it was, but was too attached to admit it.
"hmm, maybe she hit it during her panic attack, like she said?"
"yea i know" the force needed to make that cut and that deep? No wat it was self inflicted "I will keep an eye out"

A/N: so I took a break for winter and then shit happened with my family but I'm back.
Directors note sneak peak: when I wrote about Jay watching Hailey I wrote "(creap)"

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