Healing is a dark path of retrial

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"People are more what they hide then what they show"

Hailey woke up suddenly, she didn't know from what, nor did she know why she was horribly panic and for a second she'd forgot where she was. The sudden jolt awake had disrupted her bruised ribs and she yelped out in pain.

In the other room Jay was making coffee when he heard the bed in the guest room move and a small voice moan in pain. His hair on his arms stood up and his heart started racing.

"Hailey?" Jays worried voice came through the door. A gentle tap coming immediately after. It sent Haileys brain into a spiral as she finally registered that she was at Jays apartment. That she was safe. But the fact Jay was on the other side of the door while she was in a tank top and leggings put Hailey on edge and she panicked.

"Um yea? Yea Jay im fine. I'm up give me 5 minutes and I'll be out okay?" She was falling over her words and it wasn't a convincing lie but Jay seemed to not be worried as he mumbles an "okay" and "there's coffee when your ready"

It had been so long since she was able to sit down in the morning and just.
Drink coffee.

Hailey got up. She rummaged through her bag finding jeans, a shirt and a plaid button up to go over it. She put on socks, brushed out her hair and went out.

Jay looked up at her nervously when he heard her pad out. He knew what he heard this morning but chose to drop it in favour of meeting her half way through the open planned living space handing her a cup of coffee and flashing his phone at her.

"So Voight wants us in as soon as possible. Adam and Kim caught a case about thirty minutes ago" he mumbled. Speaking up at the next part "But your phone" he pointed towards the IPhone currently sat on charge face down on the counter "has been blowing up like crazy"

Hailey, in the distracted, exhausted state she'd been in last night, hadn't realised shed left her phone out here.
Luckily Jay put in on charge before he went to bed but when she picked it up and unlocked it to look at the notifications there where numerous missed calls and a series of texts from Brad.
The last ending and most threatening being a message that read:
'Bitch. Where the fuck are you. You better not tell anyone about our fun at home or your dead.' Which was followed 5 minutes later with 'Ya know what? Go ahead and tell them, HA no one would believe u anyway. What? a big strong cop managed to get herself into a situation with her boyfriend? PLEASE. Its your fault. You know it is. If you followed my rules nothing would happen."
Haileys face darkened and her stomach dropped. The pit in her stomach growing more painful the more she re read the messages.

"Hey Jay? Could we ride in together?" She'd realised after trudging through the thick storm of thoughts going through her head that she didn't feel safe enough to drive by herself. She didn't wanna bother Jay but at the moment he was the only person on a very short list of who made her feel safe, that could drive her to work

Jay looked up, he eyes straight away sweeping over Hailey. Her hands where tapping absentmindedly on her bouncing leg "yea sure. Any reason why?" He didn't wanna seem rude, he would love to drive Hailey to work. But it was unusual for her to ask.
"no reason. Just. I don't know, save on gas money? I mean, might aswell"
"mkay whatever."
They both walked about getting stuff they'd need for work and Hailey followed Jay out to his truck. They got in and the whole ride there was silent.
About an hour or so in they where briefing and Haileys phone kept buzzing. Non stop buzzing. She tried desperately to ignore it. She knew who it was and she really didn't wanna talk to him.
"Hailey, u gonna get that?" Voights thick voice pierced through her bubble of ignorance.
She jolted out of wherever she was mumbling a quick"No its fine. Not really someone i wanna talk to." she silenced her phone.

Hailey was chasing the perp through some southside houses when they ran out into a back ally right into a car. She swerved around to miss it, slipping and crashed over a trash can and fell through a hole in a wire fence. Her jacket got caught and her arm was ripped open "SHIT" she got up, high on adrenaline, not feeling the bleeding gash in her and ran after the perp, eventually catching up with him.
She pinned him, handcuffed him and handed him off.

"OK so we got one perp the others in the wind." Voight said "already radioed in, Second offender fled in a grey SUV, Illinois Tags Full- One, eight, two, Echo, Mike, Hotel. We hit as soon as its recognised"
As everyone walked away back to there cars to head to the station, the pain suddenly decided to hit Hailey. The pain that was seething through her arm. "AGHH, mmm" she quietly yelped out, hissing in pain.
"Hailey?" Voight said
"I'm fine"
"dosnt look it, go get it checked out at med."
"seriously, im fine."
"Its just a scratch" Voight was hesitant and curious as to why she was avoiding the hospital with a death wish but he let up. She'd be supervised all day anyway so he waved her off

In the car, as they where driving back Hailey was trying her hardest to not make any sounds of pain. But when they went over a speed bump and her arm hit into the car door she could hold it and yelled out in pain.
"Hailey!?" Jays worried voice yet again seeped through. He pulled over. "Whsts wrong. What hurts?" He noticed her holding her arm and blood was seeping through onto her hands. "Oh my god" he got out rushing round to her side. He pulled open the door and Hailey, who had been laying on it out of exhaustion, slid down lucky to have been caught by him. He pulled her hand away and assessed it and her. He'd tried to pull of her jacket but she'd refused so he just looked at the cut through it. He went to the back, got the first aid kit and ripping gauze to pack it.
He ran back round holding hard pressure on her cut. "Hailey? I'm taking you to med okay? It's just round the corner" he wrapped her arm in gauze as the slow blood loss caught up to her and she passed out.

A/N: So how did u like it? I've been having a tough week so to give myself more time to focus on this part ive decided to split it into two. One that will be release now. And one that will be released in 4/5 hours. Hope yall enjoyed and see you then.
Also. Tell me how you found either this one or the original version of stay in hiding. I'm curious

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