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Hailey had arrived home to a meal, Pizza and fries. She knew Brad had probably just ordered takeout but she wasn't used to being treated nicely by him so she didn't care. Of course, Brads previous actions had already slowly started seeping in. A short cough erupted in front of her after she'd piled two slices of pizza and no more then 9 fries onto her plate. Insecurities started streaming through her mind as the spoon dropped and she slumped back into her seat. He was back to doing that which could only mean one thing...right?
She had gotten fat at Jays and Brad thinks she needs to loose weight. She looked up at Brad. He was smiling as he nodded down to her stomach. "Maybe I should just keep doing this? Clearly you need some help with portion control there?"

She only ate one slice of pizza and a few fries. 

His other behaviours slipped later. By the end of 3 days, they where back to how they where before she left. She shouldn't have came back. He lied when he said sorry...didn't he? Every time Hailey spoke up to him he would come back with "I was sorry, but you need to learn not to do certain behaviours. I need to teach you". And she believed him. She didn't know why, she knew the signs of abuse and manipulation, she realised that was what this was but didn't want to admit. So she stayed. And by the end of the week she was covering the bruises again.

"Brad! Seriously, what the hell?" was the first words she said that had started it again. She watched as his eyes darkened and he stood up. It had been over dishes, he had left them piling up while she was at work. She had been out on a non-stop and stakeouts for days. She came home to mouldy food and no clean dishes. So she yelled. and Instantly regretted it.
He towered over her and she felt small, she curled in on herself before he even spoke.
"Don't talk to me like that bitch. The dishes are your responsibility, I waited till you got home so you could do YOUR job. It ain't my fault you where out for days. Now do your job. And hurry up" and all of that was punctuated with a kick to the fridge door she had been standing against. It flew open, sending her flying and she landed on a table. The edge of it cut into her stomach and her falling only seemed to make Brad even more mad. He kicked her and muttered a "dumb bitch" before walking off. She had never been able to stick up for herself with him and she didn't know why. After her childhood she had told herself she'd be able to recognise the signs and get out before it got bad but she was terrified of what would happen if she actually left. So she stood up and cleaned the dishes.

The hitting got worse and she slowly fell back into the silent girlfriend role again. He kept tight locks of what she ate. One night about a month since she moved in, she was in the living room, sat on the couch, and she thought back to their relationship before it happened. They had been happy but a week after they moved in together his control broke. That's what he told her. That he lost his control. He had a shit day at work and took it out on her. In reality it was probably he had been waiting to do it since they got together and then is when he decided to start, when he had an excuse. But she didn't care. everything was running through her brain and it slowly landed back on her and Kevin's conversation.

Should she really tell Jay? No. He would think she was week...right? That's what Brand always told her. If she told anyone then they wouldn't believe that her, a big strong cop, would get herself into this situation. She didn't even believe it. But she couldn't take it anymore. He was back to ALL his original behaviours now. All of them. And she couldn't take it anymore. Nothing she did was right. Everything was wrong. She went from a strong spoken woman in public and work, to a quiet woman who barely spoke up unless spoken too. She could see that it was worrying everyone else. She decided she needed out. She needed to leave. 

She needed to tell Jay.

A/N: I am so sorry for the short part and bad uploads, I've had HUGE writers block in all my fanfictions and my book. I'm hoping I'll get back into my groove soon but writers block is a toxic bitch so who knows. Again so sorry.

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