Hi's and Hello's

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"Secrets. There just lies in disguise"

Hailey went to bed early so she wouldn't get anymore questions and decided that an earlier start wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. She lay awake in her bed for most the night though. She didn't know what was going to happen with Brad. She was scared. She was rarely ever scared, but of him she was. She finally fell asleep around 1am. 5 hours later her alarm blared and she hauled herself up (ignoring the seething pain from her bruised ribs) and lazed about getting ready.


It was later in the afternoon when Jay and Hailey where heading out on a house call. They where heading down the stairs when a familiar face walked it.

"Peter, hi! What's up?" Hailey said her whole body tensed.

"Hi detective, I was just... I kept feeling guilty that I didnt do more or come check if you where okay after the incident. I should have walked you back here or something. I just had to make sure you where alri-" he muttered fairly loudly while ringing his hat before Hailey interrupted him pulling him into the meeting room.

"Yes im okay. Sorry but be quiet. I haven't told anyone here. Im alright. okay? i need to go, busy on the job and everything but just. I'm fine okay?" Peter nodded she escorted him out. She thought her and Jay where kind of in a rush, but Jay dragged her straight back into the small, unused office, closing the door and pulling the blinds.

"What was that? Is he talking about when you went out yesterday? God I knew you where limping when you got in. What happened, what incident?" He rattled off quickly as panic struck through his face as fast as a bullet. He was ranting, not giving her a chance to answer until she had to interrupt him. She needed to calm him down but she could barely breathe herself.

"JAY! Calm down, breathe. It was nothing." Excuse. Excuses where what where running through her head. And she needed to come up with them now.
But Jay wasn't giving up this time.
"NOTHING?!" He noticed how loud he was being and quietened down.
It was bad enough he came to check on you. Hailey please. What happened? Did you get hurt?" He knew what he saw yesterday. And he was scared she wasn't telling him the truth.
She was scared he would find out the truth
"No Jay, please just, can we talk about this later-"
"NO HAILEY! THIS IS DAMN IMPORTANT!" and then, one simple gesture that wouldn't have phased anyone else had Haileys reflexes shooting through the roof. She didn't know why, she was normally fine. But today all senses where heightened.
And that included her nerves.
Jay had lifted his hand to run it through his hair to calm himself down and Hailey flinched back, wrapping her arms around herself in a defenseful stance.
"Im sorry" slipped out under her breath. Unable to be heard by Jay but when no hit came she looked up to see Jay looking at her shocked.
"Hailey? Did you think I was gonna hit you?"

A/N: short part and sorry for the late upload, cause im sick but we are now past the point of where the first story left off so, I want your ideas for how to proceed. Hope yall enjoyed
Also give me ideas for quotes. I wanna start including some from the shows

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