Only so much you can do

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"Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides"

Hailey was stood at the mirror hung on her locker with her shirt pulled up. She was checking over the new bruise swiftly forming on her abdomen as Rojas walked in and Hailey felt the sudden need to throw up and ran to the adjoining bathroom.

Rojas followed suit.

Hailey ran into a stall, not closing the door, just in time as she started throwing up. Rojas ran in and held her hair up as she looked over her head "Holy crap. Hailey!" thats when Hailey noticed that the horrible taste invading her mouth was blood not puke.
Rojas started rubbing her back, the motion causing haileys shirt to ride up ever so slightly. The vomiting and nausea eased up and Hailey was now just leaning over the toilet. Rojas looked down and was shocked to see the purple and blue marks making Haileys back. Slowly she pulled up the shirt to see more
"Hail..." she was cut off by Hailey swiftly pulling down her shirt and wincing at the newly formed pain in her side.
"Hailey talk to me whats..." again she was stopped, this time by Voight storming in. " HAILEY! You in here?"
"shit" she whispered as she tried to stand up. only to be hit with another wave and she was back over the toilet.
Throwing up more blood. Something wasn't right but she wasn't about to let him or anyone else know that.
"Hailey is that you?" he said as he walked in. "no crap" she whispered. She tried to stand up and flush the toilet. She succeeded in the nick of time as Voight walked in. "You alright kid?"
"Huh? oh yea im fine" she said as she stood up, only to collapse from feeling so week. "I'll be fine"
"Hailey" Rojas said worried for her colleagues health. "I SAID im fine" she said, turning her face towards her. She gave her a look, a look indicating not to tell anyone. "I just threw up thats all im good. Just the shouting with Jay and i turned round to fast im fine sarge" She said as she stood up, this time fairly well.

She walked back to her desk. "ALRIGHT briefing, so small case today nothing huge. Hailey if your up to it"
"I said im fine" she interrupted. When where people going to listen and get that she was fine?
"alright so you and Halstead go pick up the Suspect, Tara Andrews. Its a pickup murder case that the Homicide dicks handed off to us last night.The rest of you get back to work. Dismissed"Hailey and Jay stood up and went to the car.
"So what was that about?" Jay asked noticing the slight wince she made as she sat down, he decided not to say anything "Huh? Oh uh dosnt matter".
They went and picked up the suspect, a woman mid twenties. White with black hair, a broken nose and tattoos running down her arms.

When they arrived back Voight and Attwater went into talk to her after leaving her to stew for 30 minutes. A further few hours of in and out interrogation and a (Not entirely true) threat of transfer to a death row state and they finally broke her and she was spouting her mouth off like it was her job. Hailey, Rojas and Jay where on the other side of the glass listening in.

A/N : Don't forget to review and interact? How are yall liking it so far?

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