The lies we tell

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"Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue" - Henry Rollins

Hailey arrived at jays door around 5.
She'd debated coming over multiple times on the way and now she does the same thing at the door.
She hesitates for a second before knocking on the door and awaiting an answer. The door was pulled open and a familiar freckled face poked out.
"Hey Hailey! come on in, you wanna beer?" Jay said a smile plastered across his face. He's opened the door wider allowing her in and gently, instinctively, laying a hand on her back to guide her in.
Haileys whole body tensed and she walked
"ugh no im fine, wheres the spare room?" She inquired, wanting nothing more than to throw the heavy bag down before she did anything else.

"Next door to mine, second on the left." he said pointing towards it. She nodded and slowly walked in. She dropped her bag onto the bed and sat down and breathed for a second, before standing and walking out into the living room.

Sitting on the couch, watching as Jay walked around the kitchen grabbing beers, chips and bowls.
"I was thinking," he started as he walked in and set the things on the table "we could watch some movies? unless you wanted to do something else." Hailey had been acting weird all day. He didn't know if anyone else had noticed but the last thing he wanted to do was push her.
"No Jay thats fine, I actually haven't had a movie night in SO long, but im gonna go change before i do anything." she went into the room and pulled out a shirt, hoodie and leggings. She threw them on and walked out.
Jay looked up, his eyes straight away analysing the new outfit. "i wouldn't wear the hoodie, this place gets hot fast" He paled when Hailey let out a small giggle and he realised what he had said "uhh, i meant-"
"Its fine, I was messin with ya, I know what you meant. and I will be fine."
"okay" he finished setting the table while Hailey chose the movie.

They sat down (on opposite ends of the couch originally but that hadn't stuck for very long) and started to watch the chosen movie. About an hour in Haileys phone let out a faint buzzing sound and rattled against the table multiple times.
She picked it up cautiously while looking at the time. He'd be home by now. She looked at the caller I.D. Brad.
"Mhmm, shit" she muttered under her breath as her hand flew to her mouth. Teeth colliding with nail.
"Hailey?" He noticed Hailey tense up and heard her mutter something when her phone rang. What an odd reaction to a phone call. "Whats up, what is it?"

She looked back and then at her phone, contemplating for a split second whether or not it was a good idea to tell him and then berating herself for even thinking like that.
"uh no one" she clicked her phone of.

"um im going to head to bed, I'm actually getting pretty tired and we have work tmr"

"mkay,have a good sleep. Text me or come get me if u need anything"
'Yea as if the good sleeps ever gonna happen' she thought.

She went in to her room,settled under the covers and read for 15 minutes before dozing off to sleep.

A/N: So. How are we liking it?
where do u guys want the next part to go, not big ideas yet. As you know this is a rewrite meaning alot of the original ideas come from the OG story but that doesn't mean I'm not taking ideas

Don't forget to review :)

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