A break

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"She'd worn anxiety like a thick robe for so long that it was hard for her to take it off."

The suspect started talking about her abusive ex-boyfriend. "He would hit me every night if i did something wrong or sometimes even if i didn't."

Hailey really didn't wanna listen to this, listen to someone retelling her story but she couldn't leave. Well technically she could, it was only necessary for one or two people to be in the viewing box per suspect but if she left they would know something was up and she was so sure, so scared Vanessa would put two and two together. So she just backed up against a wall, wincing as the witness nearly said Haileys story word for word. A tear sprung to her eye as she listened but got so angry to what was said next.

"He would force himself on me and if i tried anything he would cut my leg".

Hailey couldn't stand this. The suspect froze up and didn't wanna say anything else when one of the guys got too close. She was scared but they needed more. Hailey knew they needed more so she didn't go down for something she didn't do. So they could get a coercion charge instead of the full blown murder charge.
Hailey knew she would have to talk to her. She was the only one with a play here. But she also knew that people would be on this side. People would be listening. She had an idea though. And decided to try and play it out. Voight and Kev walked out. "She wont say anything else. She closed up"
"Sarge let me, I think i have a play here" Voight gave her a look but agreed so Hailey went in.

"Hey there."
"I already told them other cops everything"
"Okay. That's okay. If that's all your WILLING to give us we can put you under arrest and you can get the full murder charge. First degree, thats 20+ years. But see Tara I dont thing you have told us anything. I know what its like, and i know theirs more than what you've already said."

Tara looked up into Haileys eyes. Trying to peal back layers of non-existent lies with her eyes and dig deap. Her eyes reading Haileys like every line in her iris is a line from a book.
"When was it the worst?" Hailey said, tensing, bracing. Behind the glass Vanessa's brow creased anf Jays shoulders seized, Pinching themselves into a straight line as confusion spread through his body.
"Mine? The worst after work, comes home angry about something, I learned a while ago, its best to drown it out and say im sorry. Even if I never did anything wrong, he thinks I did so I did. Most of the time its not enough. He'll do whatever he wants. If he wants sex, he gets it one way or another. It could be slapping, kicking, punching. Now, I know you've not told us everything cause he was controlling right? Made you do stuff or go places."
"How, how did you..."
"The bruises on your wrist that are just so hard to get rid of right?" Tara nodded.

Hailey finished up the conversations explaining everything and answered any questions Tara had. She had gotten what she needed out of her.
Tara would get a reduced coercion charge and by the way she told it, she hoped everyone would think: past experience not current. She hoped no one would question her.
She walked out and straight back to her desk, attempting to stay calm but she saw the look on Vanessa's face. Hailey got up to walk to the break room and sat down in there instead, needing a breather. Jay followed and a long silence dragged on as he made a coffee and sat next to her. A few more seconds pass before words finally cross the seemingly forbidden threshold of someone lips.
"Hailey, what you said in there-"
"Its nothing" She interrupted, fast and smooth. A little to fast.
"Are you sure?" Jay pushed. A feeling of dread resting inside of him.
"yea Im fine" she stood and walked out, busying herself with the mountain of paper work she had to do and the rest of the case.


By the end of shift Hailey was dreading going home, her body, aching for a single night's uneventful, undisturbed sleep, even just for an hour.
It would be an hour more than she'd had in a week.
"Hey can I, crash at anyone's tonight?" She felt impertinent for asking but was hoping she might be able to get away from hell for atleast that one night to give her body a break, to feed it what it so deeply craved, silently hoping that he wouldn't ask any questions of berate her when she got back, though she knew those prayers would not be answered.
Unfortunately everyone in the room said no, they where too busy or had no room. Which was fair on there part to decline. How would they know why she needed this so badly
They didn't know what would be waiting for her when she got home.

Until Jay walked into the room from wherever he had found himself
"What was that?" He said as he started packing away a few things, they had ended the case about an hour ago and everyone was exhausted.
"oh uh i was wondering if i could stay at anyone's for a few nights." Hailey mumbled in response, twiddling her thumbs idely not much expecting a positive response.
"uh yea I have a spare room, why? I thought you where staying with that guy, whats his name? Brad"
"yea, uh I just need a break."
"Why trouble in paradise?"
"You could say that."
Jay gave her a puzzled look as if asking her to go on. She shook her head in response. She checked her phone. She had a text.
"Staying late at work have dinner on the table by the time im home or else we are gonna have trouble" She looked of to the side contemplating, calculating... She had enough time to be able to grab a bag and drive to Jays.
"Okay well im gonna have to go i will be over in a bit." Soon she was at home just throwing clothes into her bag as quick as possible, grabbing her toiletries and she was out the door on the way to jays.

A/N: sorry for the late upload. how we liking the rewrite so far? And while I'm at it, shameful ik, but self plug here. Don't forget to follow and review :) from here on out this is our regular uploading time. Hope yall enjoy and don't forget to review

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