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"Sometimes panic is like another person is in your body, pulling ll the painful strings of your heart."

"Sarge!" His voice carried through the walls as he sped down to the bullpen. "VOIGHT! I need you" Jay said, he didn't want to involve anyone else but he didnt know what to do.

Hanks head shot up and saw Jay pounding into the bullpen. He had a look of worry on his face, possibly even scared.
Jay had followed Hailey after she rushed out, something was wrong and he was gonna find out what.
He heard her slam into the lockers and something metal and after she groaned he rushed in, thinking she had hurt herself. Instead he watched in horror as she crumble to the floor. She had tucked in on herself completely. He'd walked over, hesitantly saying her name. When she wouldn't answer to him, he tried again to get her to respond, to hear him.

Voight followed Jay after he'd whispered something in his ear. He told everyone to stay put.
As he entered through the door to the locker room he saw Hailey and looked at jay confused, why was he asking for his help with her.
"Shes not answering me. I've tried she just wont. Im worried sarge." He said as he rushed over and crouched next to her. His hand on her calf, ignoring the flinch.
Voight walked over saying her name. "Upton. ITS HANK, can you hear me?"
"Hailey please answer me."

She heard the voices. She vaguely recognised them and when the words 'Hank' and 'Hails' got through she knew exactly who it was. She started shaking. Suddenly she heard a slam of something, didnt quite know what it was. But this time she let out a quiet yelp and started muttering sorry over and over. 

Hank looked at Jay with a confused look on his face, suddenly she lept into closer to Voight when Jays arm brushed against her bruised hip. "Okay, okay shhh".
"Hailey?" he said. She was no longer reacting again. 
"Jay im gonna have to go tell people something, maybe call someone, does she have anyone other than that boyfriend." Jay thought but came up empty so he shook his head.
Voight also just noticed the cut on her head, "Im also gonna go grab a cloth for that, do you think we should call Will or take her to the hospital?" Voight stated that as a decision not a option. "Hospital, Will should be there on shift anyway".

Voight slowly passed Hailey over to Jay. She gripped onto Jays shirt. "Okay Hailey,  shhhhh shhhhh shush" He said as he cradled her, eventually she calmed down as voight walked back in to wipe her head with a wet cloth.

"Hmm?" She mumbled as she started to come to. The first thing she noticed was that she was nestled into someone. But who?

Strangely she found comfort in their arms, something she hadn't felt in SO SO long. She slowley opened her eyes and lifted her head to find she was in Jays arms, his soft gaze staring down at her.
"Hey" He whispered down. There was pressure coming on and off her head. It was damp.
She suddenly jolted away, looking between him and Voight. Here eyes danced around, quickly analysing every aspect of the scene infront of her. A cloth was in Jays hand. That must have been the pressure.
And it was at that point her hand flew to her head and everything that happened snapped into place.
"OH MY GOD, im so sorry." She said quickly trying to wipe her tears away.
She made the attempt to stand but suddenly felt VERY week and stumbled.
It felt as if all energy that had surged through her body when she'd realised what had happened had suddenly been drained out of her.
"Whoa hold on, sit back down, were gonna take you to med soon i promise okay?" Jay grabbed her arm, attempting to lure her back into his lap. She was calm in his lap. But she wrestled her arm free. "NO! NO. PLEASE NO, im fine i swear." She rampled.

Voight looked at her from where he was stood in disbelief. "Hailey do you know what just happened? You had us worried." "Please im fine, I'm sorry. Please um go out i need to clean up and I will be out in a sec."  She desperately needed to wash her face and think of an excuse for the scene she had just caused.
"Hailey?" Jay voiced worriedly. Something had been wrong.
"PLEASE Jay, just...leave it." She stumbled again and Jay's hands shot out to catch her.
"NO Hailey" He was done pretending everything was okay with her. "Something been wrong with you for a while." He saw something flash in her eyes.
"PLEASE at least let me go clean myself up, i must look terrible." By now every bad thought was going through her panicked, manic mind. Even the self conscious ones.
"You look perfect, like always Hailey." Her face lit ablaze but averted her eyes straight away.
"Okay fine go clean yourself up, but we are talking about this okay?" He said as he attempted to track her eyes with his own.
"Okay but later I have a killer headache." 

"Im not surprised" Voight piped up, pointing to her forehead. She reached up and touched it, wincing as she felt blood, she rushed to the mirror. Her eyes blew wide as she realised what this was from. "crap sorry"
"Its fine" Jay said, in his high pitched 'Why is she saying sorry' voice.
"We can talk later, for now why dont you go rest in the break room." Voight said.
"Okay." And with that. The boys walked out. Jay pausing in the doorway to watch her back as he looked at her touch it the mirror.

A/N: Sorry for the TERRIBKY late upload. I was busy with a band show and last day of school stuff last week so I hadn't had time to write and then sprained my wrist.
When I originally planned out this part the initial planning, I wrote in screenwrite directions. The last line, I wrote :"*Jay Pauses in the Doorway for dramatic effect*"

Just thought yall should know haha

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