Chapter 33

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Liam {POV}

When Harry told me where louis was I wasn't even sure where he was I told him was "I'm not sure he was here but now he left and I'm not sure where he is" and with that Harry went quiet again I look at Niall again for help but he is just in his little world. I wonder what he is thinking about I think food but who knows.

Zayn's {POV}

God why do I have to be an idiot just let my jealousy get to me I need to find Louis and apologize to him. So I grab my keys and went to the car and went to the park Louis likes going to the park so hopefully I could find him there.
~20 minutes later~
When I made it to the park I saw Louis sitting on the swing just looking at the sunset I think his in deep thoughts who know I just went to where he was and sat on the other swings.

Louis {POV}

I was just thinking about what Harry is going to say about what happened I bet he won't even believe it so I just sighed and looked at the sunset again. After a few minutes I heard someone sit next to me and I saw...

I finally back again sorry I took forever I was going to update on my birthday but I got lazy xD sorry. So until next time xx DD

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