Chapter 22

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Harry's {POV}

I just need to get out of here I can't stay here. What I just saw was heartbreaking I can't believe Louis did that to me. I thought we will be together but I guess that was a lie and with Zayn! Was Louis just using me as a toy just to get my heart broken or was he just using me just to get Zayn jealous. I just can't stand it I'm going back home with my mom and sister and not tell them anything that happened but one thing is for sure is that I'm not going back to Louis I just don't want my heart to be broken more. So I left that note and left.

Niall's {POV}

"Louis where did Harry go?" I said a little worried I might not find him. " I don't know where he went" Louis said crying. I just felt horrible for him he loved Harry so much he would do anything just to get Harry back and I'm going to help him no matter how long it will take but now I need to go and see Liam and see if he's ok.

Holy fudge I updated again yay lol yasss I back again with another update I don't have anything to say so until next time xx DD

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