Chapter 28

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Liam's {POV}

" Were going to have to find harry" I said to both Niall and Louis but they both shrug and told me they don't know we're he is and I had an idea where Harry is and I told them that we should go to his moms house and see if he's there and they both agreed.
~3 hours later~
I finally got out of the hospital and we were on our search for Harry well for Louis actually and he needs to know the truth not what he saw with his own eyes so we're all driving for who know how long.

Harry's {POV}

While I was eating dinner with my family I got a text from Niall saying where was I but I didn't answer because I know he would tell Louis and I'm not ready for anything I can't sleep at night without crying I just felt betrayed by my one true love so I finished eating and went back to my bedroom and just slept.

Sorry if it's short >.< but I'm close to finishing the book and I'm close to 1000 I'm surprised I didn't know my book was interesting but thank you for all the reads means a lot. So until next time xx DD

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