Chapter 6

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Louis {POV}

As we were waiting to get more news about Liam. We were all sitting in the waiting room except Niall he was laying down in the chairs sleeping as I was about to stand up to go to the restroom the doctor came out and called about Liam's name. Niall quickly woke up and ran to the doctor and then we went and then the doctor told us " Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news?" and we said good news and the doctor said.

"Liam's surgery went well just that we had to remove the kidney but every thing else went well. The bad news is that Liam's in a coma and we don't know when he is going to wake up an he lost a lot of blood.

Hello updated again I have nothing to say so see you next time. Oh and I forgot sorry for the lack of updates sorry xx DD

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