Chapter 1

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Louis {POV}

I couldn't believe what I saw " Liam are you ok?!" the rest looked up shocked at what they saw Liam bruised and had cuts every where and a bloody nose. Harry, Zayn and Niall ran up to Liam and took him to the couch and talked to him and I told him " Liam what happened?!" still terrified on the condition he was at. He said that he was ok but I didn't believe him and he said " I'm going to get water" and he stand up and walked for a little and fainted and Niall yelled " Call the ambulance!".

Niall holding Liam close and telling him that every thing is ok and Niall is shaking and he was scared. Harry called the paramedics and they came and took Liam to the hospital and we followed behind. When we came we waited two hour we were worried sick and then Harry hugged me and kissed me in the forehead and told me if I wanted anything to eat since we haven't ate since the accident. I told him " yea I want a muffin please" he nod and went and then a doctor came and asked "Parents of Liam Payne" we went and I was kinda scared what he was going to say and he said...

Cliff hanger I don't know when I'm going to update still in school studying for finals next week so yea sorry xx DD

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