Chapter 16

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Niall's {POV}

I woke up and was confused on how I got this blanket and how I ended up sleeping these chairs are really not conferrable and then a doctor came and checked on Liam and I told him when he is going to wake up. But told me the same answer were not sure when. He said he will be back later to check on him. I got hungry like my usual self and went and ate breakfast and went back to Liam's room.

I didn't want to leave Liam alone I wanted to stay by his side no matter what. So I stayed seated next to Liam and started playing random game on my phone good thing I had a lot of games. Later I got bored playing games and went on Twitter and I got a message from someone and I couldn't believe what it said.

Surprise I'm back sorry I didn't update in so long it's just I had trouble writing but now I got ideas and I'm ready to write. Right know it's so late at night so until next time xx DD

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