Chapter 11

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Harry's {POV}

Finally Louis and I can finally sleep and relax a bit with all this is going on it's just stressing us out but especially Niall that's what worries me the most. He won't eat properly like he used to and he refuses to leave. Another thing is Zayn is acting real weird around us lately every time I see Zayn's eyes I see hatred every time he sees me with Louis. It looks like Louis and Zayn are hiding something from me.

Every time I tell Louis if there is something going on or hiding something he always says nothings going on or no I'm not hiding anything. One day Liam was going to tell me something about Louis or Zayn I don't remember who until Niall was calling Liam and he never told me which got me thinking that they are hiding something from me.

Hello I'm back sorry again for the lack of updates again there was so much going on and involves going to the hospital but not me so sorry again. I'll try to update tomorrow xx DD.

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