Chapter 15

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Niall's {POV}

When I heard the news that one of us could go in and they told me that I can go and I thanked them and the doctor told me what room. I started to speed walk the and I reached Liam's room I opened the door slowly kinda scared of what I'm going to see. I got in the room and closed the door and saw Liam with needles in him and he looked so pale.

Pale as a ghost and with that I was crying and kept repeating "this is all my fault" over and over siting next to Liam holding his hand. I don't know how long I was like this and all I know is I woke up the next day on the chair with a blanket warped around me like a burrito and felt weird that they lifted me up and warped me in a blanket they should of just put it on top of me.

Hello cuties I'm back with another update I have a quick question should I add Niam in the story just asking. Until next time xx DD

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