Chapter 34

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Louis {POV}

I saw Zayn 'Zayn?' I said and he nods I haven't seen him in a while wow he changed a lot. 'What are you doing here?' I said curious about what he is going to say I'm kinda still mad about what happened but I understand that his jealousy got to him let's see what he says.

Zayn's {POV}

I kinda got nervous to talk to Louis because I think he's still mad at me but oh well here goes nothing. 'I just came here to apologize and say I'm so sorry for causing this whole commotion between the two of you. I let my jealousy get to me and that was stupid of me and I should just kept it to myself. I'm so very sorry.' I waited for Louis to answer me and he just stared blankly I got more nervous of what he is going to say.

Louis {POV}

Wow I was not expecting that I don't know what to say wow. 'Ok I kinda forgive you I actually didn't expect you to say that. I'm still kinda mad at you for what you did in the past but I still kinda forgive you.' Out of no where Zayn gets up and hugs me. Ok that's weird but I hugged back.

Zayn's {POV}

I got up and hugged Louis I'm so glad he kinda forgave me its better than nothing. 'Sorry if you find this weird I just don't want to lose a friend. It's just that I'm glad that you kinda forgave me because if you didn't I would literally feel like shit for the rest of my life.' Louis just chuckles and let's go 'Well I got to go I'll see you around.' I get up and start to walk back to the car and all I hear from Louis is "See you around friend."

Sorry I took long to update been busy with stuff so yea it's sad to know that Zayn left 1D but I support him no matter what so yea. Until next time xx DD

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