Chapter 8

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Liam's {POV}

Where am I why can't I wake up did something happen? uh! why am I in so much pain I can't stand it. I need to move I need to wake up I have to I need to see Niall and apologize to him and that I won't do it again and I need to warn louis and Harry what Zayn is planing to do. Why can't I wake up this can't be happening I don't want Zayn to do anything to Harry or Louis.

The last time I saw Zayn going out with another guy and noticed that the guy was going out with someone else he almost literally killed the guy I don't want that to happen to Harry or Louis. I have to wake up I have to.

Hey I'm back again with another update there is not much to say buy I might possibly be able to update again later. Till next time xx DD

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