Chapter 29

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Liam's {POV}

We finally made it to Harry's mums house and I thought of a plan I told Louis to stay in the back If Harry answers so they won't close the door on us. So we went and knocked on the door and his mum answers and we told her if we can see Harry and she allowed us in. So we walked up the stairs to Harry's room.

Harry's {POV}

I was just scrolling through tumbler on my laptop when I heard a knock on my door I opened it and couldn't believe Liam was here "Liam you're awake" I go and hug him "I haven't seen you in a long time" he just chuckles "I need to talk to you Harry" he said in a serious tone oh no I'm in trouble.

I just did a quick small chapter sorry but Christmas I coming up and the only thing I want is band merch... Lol so yea until next time xx DD

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