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{Story POV}

Louis and Harry were both happy and in love they both decided to leave their parents house and live together in a flat. There parents were ok with it and accepted them once they said they were going out. They found the perfect flat they moved all their stuff and decorated their flat how they wanted and then invited their friends over. Niall and Zayn only came and Louis was curious where Liam was.

{Louis POV}

" Where Liam?" and Harry looked curious as well and Zayn and Niall stiffened Niall said " He wasn't feeling well" I nod and ordered pizza for every one while Niall, Harry and Zayn play the Xbox. An hour passed by and I heard a knock on the door thinking it was the pizza man oh I was so wrong and I looked at the person wide eyed and shocked at what I saw.

Hope you like the first part I know I not good at writing story's see you next time xx DD

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