Chapter 13

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Zayn's {POV}

I need to start working with my plans I need to get louis back I just need to wait for the perfect day and time. When Louis and I can go walk alone together and when Harry is coming I'm going to kiss Louis so Harry thinks Louis is cheating on him. Or if that plan doesn't work I'll go for plan 2 but I'll keep that secret. Now I just need to help and calm down Niall and get him to eat and go to his flat and sleep.

"Niall let's go and eat something please you don't look good you look more pale than ever and your getting more skinny. You need to eat Liam would not like to see you like this." I said really worried. Niall sighed in defeat and said "Ok" and we drove all the way to Nandos so we can eat.

Hope you liked it! I'm so excited to write the next chapter till next time xx DD

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