Chapter 35

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Harry's {POV}

I finally made it to the park and literally ran out and ran everywhere looking for Louis. Until I saw him siting on the swing he looked to perfect. I got nervous and slowly walked to him thinking of what to say to him. Why is this harder than I expected.

Louis {POV}

It's was getting pretty late as I was about to head out until someone sat down next to me and I look up and see it's Harry. Wow I missed him so much why is he here anyway? I hope it's good news and not bad ok I need to calm down.

Harry's {POV}

I sat down on the swing next to him and he looked up I got more nervous. Ok I need to man up 'Louis I need to tell you something' I look at him and he nods. Ok this is my chance 'Ok um I just came here to tell you that I'm so so so sorry I didn't believe you in the beginning. I was being a dick and I should of heard your side of the story and I still love you I always have and I don't want to lose you. I don't know what I would do without you I need you here with me'. He just stayed quiet ok ok I need to calm down and think positive.

Heyyy guys I hope you enjoyed and I'm telling you that this story is almost over I know but yea and I'm going to try to write another one. So until next time xx DD

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