Chapter 1: Everything Has Changed

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Most people would believe that being on a stranded island is horrible. But when you're a Pogue it's like a paradise. Body surfing, fishing, and campfires every night with your favorite people. But it wasn't so great when you're reminded everyday that the reason you're there is because of the greediest people in the world. Life is unfair everyone knows that, but our life was far from unfair it was very unreasonable.

It had been day 5 apparently, according to JJ. Things were fine until both JJ and Kiara started to question their feelings towards one another.


As Kiara laid in her hammock, that she made on day 3, overthinking everything. She had been alone for once that day since the others decided to explore more of the island. Kiara was always the one to sit back and relax because it had been hard being away from her family. She knew they weren't the happiest with her, but it didn't mean she couldn't miss them. Running away wasn't the best option of course, but she knew she had no choice.

That was until she starting thinking about the one and only JJ Maybank. She knew things were different, but they were really different. She had never been so nervous about a boy before. Just thinking about him made her nervous. She knew him for being the comedy relief of the group, but now it wasn't just that it was much more.

Now all she could think about was the shirtless boy on repeat. She didn't understand because she had seen him shirtless almost everyday. She didn't care, just as long as he was the one running through her mind.

It felt illegal just to even think about him since her relationship with Pope just ended not long ago. She couldn't stop though.

This only may have happened just because he saved her life. But Pogues would always do anything to save their kind. But it still doesn't explain what made her worry so much or why he would look at her the way he did. She had never known that a boy could ever look at someone like that. Especially JJ, the one who would always have hookups almost every week and would try to flirt with every chick he could. These new feelings had confused her because it was different than anything  she could have ever felt for a boy. She could have just let the feelings pass by, but she was too curious to know what it really meant.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a loud chuckle from the distance. She immediately sat up to see who it could be. As she looked she got more and more nervous because she realized it was JJ running towards her. And guess what he was shirtless great.

She felt the butterflies flying around in her stomach. She was really wishing she hadn't thought about any of it. It was going to change everything.

When he finally reached where she was sitting he seemed to be out of breath also covered in mud. God he couldn't look more attractive it wasn't possible. He began to talk, but Kiara didn't hear anything she was mesmerized.

"Hello?! Kie did you hear anything I just said?" JJ questioned which finally snapping her out of her trance. He realized what she was staring at, but he decided to keep it to himself.

"Sorry I was distracted what was it?" she covered up which made JJ smirk his sneaky grin. He felt happy to know he could make her act like that.

"I said that we found some supplies and food for tonight we were thinking about building some boards for those awesome waves" he explained, but it doesn't explain why he was all muddy.

"Oh okay sounds great, but I'm curious to why your muddy?" she questioned as she looked him up and down once again.

"Its a long story, but let's just say watch where you're going because you could possibly fall into quicksand" he explained as he laughed at himself, but Kiara seemed to be almost dead. She didn't laugh or even react. That was when it got quiet and JJ and Kie finally locked eyes. There was no talking just staring and smiling. It would seem weird, but for some reason it wasn't it felt special.

The moment ended once they both heard people talking getting closer. At that moment the two had a huge knot in their stomach that neither would talk about.

When the group finally reached them Kie got out of the hammock to join them. "Hey the sun seems to be setting soon so we need to build a fire. J and Pope, could you help me?" John B announced as the group split to do their own thing while JJ, John B, and Pope set up the fire.

Kiara took this time to talk to the girls about what just happened. If she didn't she might explode with excitement. Cleo was laying against the tree while Sarah laid in my hammock. "Hey guys can we um talk? I need a urgent girl talk like now..." Kie asked while the girls seemed to be interested especially Sarah.

"So Cleo you should know that now you're a Pogue you are now officially one of my girlfriends. I like you, you're badass!" Kiara explained to Cleo while she seemed delighted.

"Thanks Kie that's nice of you to say, right back at you babe!" Cleo responded making both girls happy.

"So what so urgent to talk about?" Sarah asked dying to know what was so important.

"Well I guess I mine as well confess.... I think I'm attracted to JJ!" Kiara confessed making both girls dress in shock and excitement.

"Cheese on bread, Kiara has a crush!" Cleo shouted, but not too loud.

"Really JJ? I didn't see that one coming. Actually I can see it, I totally ship it!" Sarah admitted smiling happily to see her bestie crushing over a boy.

"Okay I know its exciting and all, but like I don't know what to do with these emotions. I never had these things for Pope its way different. And before you guys walked up, me and him had a moment like a good one"

"Wait what kinda moment we talking about here?" Sarah asked curiously looking very invested in this convo.

"Well one with no talking just smiling and staring into each others eyes" Kie stated while she saw Sarah and Cleo wanting to say aww.

"It's just like everything has changed"

*Hi guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter! This took me so long to write so let's hope it's worth it. Also it may take me longer to write chapters just warning you. Thanks for reading!!💙💙💙

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