Chapter 4: I Thought I Lost You

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*the image above, picture it as Kiara where JJ is laying!!*


Kiara was one of the best surfers in the OBX everyone knew that. Surfing had been one of her favorite hobbies other than playing the ukulele. She could do it all day and never get bored. That's one of the reasons she started to hang out with the Pogues more since Kooks had been too stuck up for it. It meant a lot to her, other than being fun, she would never be into surfing if it wasn't for her dad. He taught her everything she knows. That was why she had been closer to her dad than she did her mom. But ever since they had been living more of a Kook life than Pogue, she barley got to have that time with her dad anymore. He had always been too busy working and running the restaurant to spend quality surfing time with his daughter. She had never missed her Dad so much. She just wished things could be okay, but they never would be.


As Kiara fell off her board into the rapid waters, everyone panicked and when I mean everyone I mean mainly JJ.

Everyone was in shock since it had been so unexpected. A few moments ago everyone was cheering, but now they just froze in place. John B and JJ had still been on the shore so of course they saw everything that happened. Cleo was closest to her, but she sat still on her board in shock. Everyone had waited for her head to pop up out of the water but it had been way too long. The waves seemed to get worse as they waited. JJ acted off of instinct and ran towards the roaring waves. Cleo had finally gotten off her board trying her best to fight against the water. John B had been panicking and watched nervously to see what was happening. While Sarah and Pope had been no where in sight.

Since JJ was such a good swimmer he had beat Cleo to get to Kiara. JJ frantically searched for Kiara in the water. The waves had made it tough to see anything. "Kie! Kie!" JJ had forced out from struggle. "NO, NO, NO, NO!" JJ had screamed still searching. JJ had then seen her body she wasn't too far under, but it was deep enough to where it was difficult to see. She looked lifeless as she floated under water.

JJ quickly picked up her body to bring her to shore. Cleo had already been close to shore because she knew she couldn't do anything. JJ had held Kie's almost lifeless body running towards John B and Cleo. When he finally reached them he gently, but quickly placed her down on the wet sand.

Sarah and Pope had arrived to the scene having no clue what had just happened. They must have heard the screaming and came as soon as they could.

JJ placed his hands on his head as he panicked while everyone else surrounded Kie crying out and shouting worriedly. John B didn't have time to think so he immediately did what he thought was right. He began to perform CPR on Kie. The group had disbanded trying to give Kie some space.

Sarah had to tend to JJ since he was having trouble processing what was going on. Pope stood directly behind John B who was trying his best. JJ had finally stopped and ran over to Kie. Tears had instantly filled his eyes when he saw how lifeless she had seemed laying there. "Someone help me! She's not responding!" John B screamed out.

"Tell me what to do!" JJ replied trying to do something, anything. John B proceeded to tell JJ how to push on her chest since he had already checked her breathing. He started to press his hands on her chest 2 presses each time.

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have let her ride those waves. I tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen. I can't believe I let this happen!" Cleo explained with tears pouring down her face. Pope had noticed and ran over to her to hug her and try to calm her down.

"Shh... it's not your fault okay, just calm down okay" he reassured her while her breathing started to slow down each second he spoke to her.

JJ's procedure wasn't working, nothing was happening. He did the movements on repeat not stopping until she was breathing again. John B had stood up putting his hands on his hands. He had given up, but JJ would never give up on her. Sarah hugged John B tightly as he felt defeated.

"What are you guys doing she's not gone! She can't leave! She fine she is going to be okay!" JJ had screamed out to everyone as everyone stared at JJ in silence. "She is gonna wake up! She would never leave us! She wouldn't leave me!" JJ began to cry out as tears were pouring out.

"You can't leave me! I need you! Please don't leave me! You can't! No you can't!" JJ yelled as he staring punching the ground. Silence had filled the beach that was until JJ had noticed Kie move just a little bit. He quickly ran to her side to check her breathing.

"Guys she's breathing! She's breathing!" JJ happily shouted to everyone. John B pulled away from Sarah as everyone else stood by her side. Sarah and Cleo had started to feel a sense of relief. Sarah had chuckled knowing that Kie could never leave them.

Kiara had finally started to move she begin to spit up water and trying to catch her breath. JJ had never been so happy he truly thought he lost her for good.

She sat straight up in surprise since she had no idea what happened to her. She looked around to see everyone surrounding her staring her down. "What the hell happened!" She asked as John B helped her stand up.

"Let's just say you should never ride those waves on those boards again!" Cleo had responded while Kiara was hit with realization. Before she could say anything else Sarah had hugged her tightly still crying as the rest joined in. Kiara smiled widely feeling happy to have such good friends.

As everyone pulled away Kiara had began to cry as well making everyone emotional now. Kie had stared at the ground then searched to see where JJ was. He was the one person she wanted to see and he wasn't there. She suspected he ran off.

"Where's JJ?" Kie asked immediately. The group seemed confused since he had been the one that stayed by her side.

"He was really upset he probably went to cool down" Sarah answered.

Kie ran off to find him because it had worried her. She searched everywhere around the island until she finally found him sitting near the fire circle facing towards the water. He was staring at the ground fiddling with his fingers. He wasn't one to get emotional alot, but the situation really hit him hard. She slowly approached him trying her best not to spook him.

"Why did you leave?" Kie softly questioned as JJ still stared at the ground. She could tell he was hurt.

"I can't- ... it's all too much- I I- thought I lost you..." JJ stuttered trying not to cry again. Kiara had moved from her spot to sit by him on the log. He still couldn't look at her.

"J, look at me! Hey look at me please..." Kiara asked softly as she intertwined her hand with his. He finally got the courage to look at her. His eyes were puffy and his face was wet from crying. "You can never lose me, you never will lose me. Okay?" She told him as he stared into her eyes. She begin to cry once, and JJ had grabbed her cheek this time not breaking eye contact. He slowly wiped the tears off her cheek at smiled gently at the beautiful girl.

"You know you mean so much to me, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't in my life" JJ explained to her as Kie sat there wanting to tell him everything she felt for him, but she couldn't it would ruin everything. She really cared about him and he really cared at her. She didn't know this, but JJ had felt the same way about her. The butterflies were back in both of them out of control.

JJ had glanced down at Kie's lips for a moment until she had noticed and moved his eyes back to hers. She saw what he did and it pushed her to start to lean into him. JJ realized what was happening and started to do the same.

They were so close they could feel each other's breath. Until the two immediately pulled apart as they heard chattering.

*Thanks for reading!! This was such a cute chapter!! Also kinda sad almost wanted to cry while writing this. Hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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