Chapter 9: Handy Dandy Canteen

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JJ thought that pushing Kie away would make things better between them, but it didn't. Ever since JJ and Kie talked about what they thought had turned into something more, had changed things between them completely.

It was currently day 16 on the island and 2 days since Kie and JJ talked. JJ didn't even know how to talk to her like he used to and Kie felt the same way.

Since that day Kiara hadn't talked to anyone in fact. Not even Sarah and she talked to her about everything. Kie had never experienced such heartbreak from a guy before. Most of the time the guys were chasing her but instead, it was the other way around. For the first time, she was in love with someone. And now it was with someone she couldn't have.

It took Kiara some time to realize why she had been feeling so weird lately it was all because of JJ. She was absolutely completely lovesick that she couldn't handle it. She was so angry at herself for being so complicated. For the longest time, she would always tease and flirt with every boy she could, but anytime it got too serious she would back away and hide how she felt. But she knew this time was different because she knew this time was real.


Meanwhile, JJ did what he did best to cope with sadness. Deny everything and drink till he couldn't feel anything. It was a bad habit of his, but it always seemed to help him with his dad. Even though he was stuck on an island with no beer he still always had his handy dandy canteen for emergencies. After he finished his confession with Kie, he dragged himself over where no one could find him. He felt like shit and worthless, but it was usual to feel like he did because his dad always reminded him. He lost the only person who made him feel alive for once.

After a few minutes he was out of it, he felt like he was flying. Even though his canteen was small his beer wasn't. He sat in complete silence staring off into the sky as the sun went to bed. He tried to stand up, but every time he did he fell back down. It was useless that was until he heard someone call his name. He searched for the sound, but before he could he blacked out.


As the fire died down at the fire circle, the group decided to call it quits. Before that Kie had joined them and tried her best to hide what was going on lately. They talked about the usual stuff they always do and even joked about old times. Kie was starting to feel better as John B enlightened her. Sarah did the best she could too because she knew Kie was upset about soemthing.

Kie volunteered to put the fire out this time so the others could rest. Before they left John B and the others asked if she had seen JJ lately. She froze immediately at the sound of his name, she tried to respond quickly so it didn't seem too obvious. "No, I haven't seen him all day, why?" she lied and Sarah knew she did.

"Just wondering, kinda worried me because I haven't seen him at all today?" John B replied believing Kie. He walked off and so did the others, but they didn't go to bed just yet. They all decided to search for him, even Kie.

Kie knew JJ very well and she knew that he was hurt. It worried her too because she hurt him and he is most likely doing what he always does when stuff like this happens.

Back at the OBX when the two were younger she was always there for him when it came to his dad. When Kie first learned what JJ had been going through she was furious. She even dared to go beat him up herself. Most nights JJ would knock on her window late at night scared half to death. She would find bruises and sometimes even blood from his dad. It upset her to know her best friend had been going through this. She wanted to tell her parents every time it happened, but JJ would always come up with an excuse or beg her not to tell. It was so bad sometimes that she would hold him until he stopped shaking and fell asleep in her arms. Kiara was the only one that knew about what was going on with him. JJ begged her not to say anything to the group and she didn't until they found out themselves.

As they got older JJ would use beer as his escape. It got harder to control him and even Kie couldn't calm him down. It scared Kie because most nights he would be found at the Chateau passed out. Sometimes he would sneak into Kie's like he used to. Kie was his anchor through those times she just didn't know that yet. She always had a sense of control over him without even trying.

Kie felt sick to her stomach just thinking about it. She knew she had to find him because it would kill her if she knew she had done it to him this time.


"JJ?" the voice called out for him. He finally awakened from his blackout. He felt confused because he could sense he wasn't where he was before. He saw a glimpse of orange light in front of him, it was a fire. Someone eventually found him and stayed with him until he got better. The figure sat down beside him trying to give him water but he wouldn't respond.

"Oh no! I’m going to be depressed tomorrow! I always get depressed when I’m hungover! Will you promise to hold me tomorrow!? Kie you know I'm sorry for everything because I think I love you and I just want to protect you!" he yelled at the person beside him, having no control of his words. The person started to speak, but JJ cut them off by forcing his lips on them.

*Thanks for reading!! That was a very sad and weird chapter. Y'all will probably hate me for the next chapter. Sorry for the long wait I've had a lot of things on my plate. Hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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