Chapter 6: Love Birds

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"Good morning love birds!" John B announced to Kiara and JJ as they were cuddled up against one another.

JJ had awaken being scared by John B's voice, but Kie was still in a deep sleep. As JJ had finally opened eyes he saw that Kie was laying up against his chest while his arms were around her. A smile took over his face because he had never believed that Kie would ever be in his arms. For a minute JJ forgot that John B was standing right in front of him. He stood there with his arms crossed waiting for a response while JJ still stared at Kie with his puppy eyes.

"Earth to JJ!" John B said as he snapped his fingers for his attention. JJ snapped out of his lover boy trace and finally converted his attention to John B. "I just need y'all to meet us at our family circle in less than 15 minutes for a family meeting?" John B announced then slowly began to walk over to the group who were chatting over breakfast.

JJ didn't want to wake up Kie since she looked so peaceful sleeping. He thought she looked beautiful when she was asleep. Since most people aren't the best looking when passed out. Kie was also known to be a deep sleeper since she would always sleep through arguments amongst the pogues most days. But when people were asked to wake her up they were usually afraid to. She was always grumpy in the morning. He didn't blame her because sleeping was one of his favorite hobbies.

As he continued to stare at her she began to slowly awake. She had took awhile to realize where she was until she noticed she was pushed up against JJ's chest. Her eyes widened thinking that something may have happened between them. Until she remembered the previous night. "What's wrong?" JJ asked in deep concern since she quickly move out of her position.

"Nothing it's just I thought about what happened last night" she stated blandly confusing JJ. He began to believe that she was starting to be lead away from her feelings while his were still fresh on his mind.

He finally sat up sitting very close to Kie as she began to wake herself up. He looked at her in awe as she began to speak "I just think everything is moving so fast and we are just confusing ourselves right now. Like last night I don't want to confuse you or anything"

"What do you mean. Because you keep making me think you want me for one second then you push me away because of that stupid rule!" JJ proclaimed with anger because he felt like he was being played with.

"It is not because of the rule it actually has nothing to do with that. I just don't know if I'm ready for this" she explained emphasizing the two of them. This had set off JJ because this had been the first time he felt he was being rejected.

"You literally make no sense because nothing has even happened between us and you keep playing with me and I'm tired of it" JJ announced making Kie start to feel guilty. "We almost kissed, you stare at me like your in love with me, and you flirt with me constantly. I don't know what you want me to think because you really confusing the frick out of me!" JJ told Kie as she sat speechless. Kie tried to speak but nothing came out. "Are you scared of me or do you think I'm not good eno-" JJ tried to say, but Kiara cut him off.

"Don't finish that sentence because it's not true!" Kiara interrupted while JJ seemed pretty ticked off. "JJ I don't know what you want me to tell you. You can't just pile all these questions on me because I'm not going to have an answer right away. I'm sorry!" Kie tried to tell him, but he didn't seem to care. "I just don't want to be another one of those girls because I don't know if I can handle that"

"Wow you really think that low of me. I can't believe you, you really think that I would do that to you!" JJ yelled at her while Kie didn't know what to do. "Kiara is it really that hard to understand I want to be with you. I thought it seemed pretty obvious. It's a simple question! Do you want me or not?" JJ asked from his desire for her. He went to grab her hands waiting for her response.

"I- ... I don't know?" Kiara confessed feeling horrible because she knew he wouldn't like her answer.

Once he heard her response he dropped her hands in sadness. "Well then don't talk to me until you figure it out!" JJ said angrily to her making her heart ache. He turned away from her and walked towards the rest of the group in frustration.

Kiara felt horrible she didn't know what to do because wasn't for sure about how she felt about him yet. She never intended to make him feel that way. She also felt guilty because he was right she did play with him.


After a few minutes of their fight she eventually joined the group trying not look at JJ. The group didn't seem to notice since they were too into their conversations. JJ's heart ached for her as he stared at her like a sad puppy dog.

The group then began to notice them join, so they were ready for breakfast then their family meeting after. "Finally the love birds decided to join us!" John B announced, but JJ and Kie just sat there as they stared at the ground. It got awkward quickly, but the rest tried their best to act if nothing had happened.

Man they were right people do be grumpy in the morning time.

*Thanks for reading!! This chapter just flowed I really liked this one because JJ finally expressed how he really felt. Also don't worry it will get better it just needed a bit of conflict. Hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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